Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Official 2014 XC Preview!

     It's fall, and that means cross country season! When asked about this upcoming season, senior runner Meghan Yencer said that the top runners this year will be herself, fellow seniors Brooke Penrod and Shelby Skidmore, along with Junior Chloe Maddox. The boys and girls first meet was August 26 at Southwoood. But when asked which upcoming meets she is excited about, Meghan said, "Well, we have a bunch of really cool Saturday invites coming up, which are huge with a bunch of teams. And, it all leads down to ACAC which is the most important meet of the year." Hopefully, these girls, led by Meghan herself, do very well this year at ACAC! She says that she hopes to leave an impact by, " I along with the other seniors want to be good role models, lead the team by example, and get them pumped up for meets. Usually we do a chant that goes like, "What day is it?! Meet day!""
     Now for the boys team, expectations are a little lower. We also interviewed Sophomore runner, Nick Childers, who goes by the name Dale. We asked him and Meghan which team would do better this year, and the unanimous answer was the girls. But Dale did  say that he thought the boys team would do "OK" this year. His expectations for the year are to "beat everybody." Dale, along with the other boys are also excited for regionals this year. For an impact this year, Dale says that he hopes to be the best, even though he already is.
     Overall, the girls and boys teams are both really excited for the year and hope that they can each make a good impact on this year and maybe even get their team picture up in the Raiderdome!