Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Biology's Bug Feast!

     On Tuesday, September 24th, Mr. Butler's Dual Credit Advanced Biology class prepared some delicious bugs to eat. Some of the bugs that were eaten include: scorpions, giant centipedes, mealworms, and crickets. Some of the dishes that were quickly prepared by the students were, chocolate chip cookies with mealworms, stir fry, and chocolate "chirp" muffins that had tasty little crickets in them. Once the meals were prepared and beautifully placed, the students and a local study hall class came in and bravely ate the assorted meals. Most students were not too fond of the flavors, but most did enjoy the experience. The lab was not only just for fun, but it did reinforce Mr. Butler's discussion about proteins and chitin. Overall the students had a lot of fun and can now say that they've eaten assorted bugs.