Tuesday, September 30, 2014

See You At The Pole

Today was the nation wide SYATP. Students of the Jr. high and high school gathered out by the flagpole at 7:00 am to start the day out with a prayer. During SYATP, Meghan Yencer, Allison Blevins, Tori Wiese, William Sherman, Brooke Kratzer, and Autumn Stevens read Bible verses to the group. The students joined hands and prayed as a group. Then the grades broke off to pray about individuals or groups. They prayed for the students, the staff, the community, the churches, the athletes, the coaches, the clubs, and the academics.

Following the prayer circle, was a glorious breakfast made by Southern Wells Community Church. The food was amazing. We, as Southern Wells School, are very blessed to live in a great community, with people that care. Thank you to Cheris and Nick Miller and the Southern Wells Community Church for everything they do for us.  #NEVERSTOPPRAYING