Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Street Fair Review

As street fair came to a close we took the opportunity of asking Southern Wells students about the street fair itself.

Jamie Howell, Thomas Biddle,Lisa Cambell,and  Austin Cochran said that they like to ride the rides of the street fair
Kristen Roupp,Reece Hasinbiller, Haley Howell, Mckenna Elzroth, and Mason Taylor said that they loved the street fair food.
Xavier Walden said that he like the fun of hanging out with his friends during the street fair week.
Mr. Stauffer said that he loved working at the music boosters booth during his days at the street fair.

We took a tally of what rides the students like the most.Six people said they liked to ride the Freak out. Two said the 1001 Notches. One said the Zipper and Drop Zone.

As we all know the Fair food smells and taste delicious.
Austin said he like the Cotton Candy.
Mckenna said the Elephant ear.
Haley said the Ice Cream.
Stauffer said the Fish Sandwich.
Others said the Pizza, Pretzel, and Funnel Cake.

If you could add 1 thing to street fair what would it be?
Haley Howell said that she would want to add Jami Ballenger.
Mckenna said she would add more roller coasters.
Austin said he would add a lot more places to wash your hands.
Mason said the Giant Hot Dogs, and Parking lots.
Stauffer said a lot more free shows during the week.

As we asked the questions we figured out everyone had a great and fun time during the street fair week. Coming from me I wished it wouldn't end.