Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Student Of The Week!! (Bryce Bonewit)

1.) Which do you prefer books or movies? "Movies fo sho"

2.) Whats your favorite subject? "I am a big math nerd"

3.) Who is your favorite teacher ad why? "Mr.Burman because he has so much swag"

4.) How do you feel about going to school in a circle? "I get pretty dizzy after walking around it a couple times"

5.) On Monday do you wear jeans or sweats? "Way to lazy to wear jeans on a monday"

6.) Whats your middle name? "Lee"

7.) If you could go anywhere, where would it be and why? "Lucas Oil Stadium to play in the state championship game because that has always been a dream of mine"

8.) Whos your celebrity crush? "Ben Burman"