Friday, September 19, 2014

Student of the week- Nick Gatto

This week, for Student of the week, Nick Gatto has been chosen! Nick's middle name is David, and there are many other interesting things that go into Nick being who he is. For instance, Nick prefers to watch movies rather than read books. When asked who his favorite superhero was Nick promptly responded with spiderman. Too bad Spider Man isn't an avenger. One prominent thing about Southern Wells is that the school is basically a giant circle, Nick said he liked going to school in a circle, because it is easier to travel to classes. When responding to the questions what is your favorite subject and if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why, I believe his answers go hand in hand. Nick said his favorite subject was art, and that he would go to Japan because he was curious about their culture. Come to find out, Nick's celebrity crush is Emma Stone.Nick's favorite teacher is Mr. Roush because Mr. Roush has humor when it comes to English. Also, Nick prefers to wear jeans rather than sweatpants on monday, and his dream job is to become a graphic novelist. These are just a few facts about our student of the week this week Nick Gatto, be sure to give him a high-five if you pass him in the halls