Thursday, September 11, 2014

Teacher of the Week!- Mrs. Jackson

Tell us about yourself! (ie. Birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies, etc.)
My birthday is in February. I am married. I raise pygmy goats, which I have over 20 in my herd. I went to Ball State University and played lacrosse. I enjoy sports, gardening/flowers and spending time with family.

What do you like about Southern Wells?
The staff and students.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Being around all the students and staff.

If you were animal, what would you be?

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?
Toasted cheese sandwich

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?
Got kicked in the face breaking up a fight when I first started teaching.

If you stranded on a island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
matches-to light fires
knife-used for a lot of different things
bolt of fabric-different uses