Monday, October 13, 2014

Cross Country Sectionals!

     On Saturday, October 11, 2014, the boys and girls cross country team ventured down to Indiana Wesleyan University and ran against many teams. The competition was stiff and only the top 5 teams and top 10 individual runners got to move on to Regionals.  The runners were very excited for their early morning run. Once the action kicked off, hundreds of boys and girls all ran their hearts out trying to finish near the top. The top girls teams were Huntington North, Oak Hill, Northfield, Southwood, and Marion. Southern Wells missed the cut by just four points. But moving on individually are runners Meghan Yencer, Brooke Penrod, Shelby Skidmore, and Chloe Maddox. The top boys teams were Oak Hill, Northfield, Eastbrook, Wabash, and Marion. We did have our top runner, Dale Childers, who finished 28th, move on to Regionals. These runners are now preparing for their upcoming Regionals match at IWU again on Saturday, October 18th. Great job so far, and good luck!