Friday, October 17, 2014

High School

High School, four years of our life that we begin wishing away from the very day we start. Only do we realize that we don't want high school to end, or at least to have more time is ironically at the very end. People who have already graduated from high school and that have moved on in life say that they wish they could go back to high school even just for one day, and that they would do almost anything to go back for that one day. I know that I myself have appreciated, but not really made the best use of my time in high school so far, or done that much.  Now even I wish that I had done more in my three previous years and now that i'm a senior, I have really come to treat doing things with my friends like it would be the last time during high school that I would be able to do things with them, because eventually, high school for everyone comes to an end. That idea, high school ending, for some will be one of the best days of their life, and for some it will be a day that they remember for the rest of their life as a day they wished would never come. I guess what i'm trying to get at is we need to cherish almost everything that we do in high school along with the friends we have and make during it as well, because we only get to go through high school once.