Monday, November 3, 2014

Fright of the Night!!!

When Halloween time comes around that is when everyone thinks about the scary movies. Everyone thinks scary movies are all about the scary background. Well not really it is about the rush you get when someone gets killed or running away from the killer. The scariest movies are always not that scary.

Students Favorite Scary Movies:
Scream: Annabel: Sarah Booher, Ethan Smith, Kristen Roupp
Scary movie:Jamie Howell 
Carrie: Markie Price Mckenna Elzroth
Conjuring: Haley Howell Matt Geisel 
Ouija: Danielle Kratzer
You're Next: Megan Horton 
Mama: Samantha Williams
Saw Series: Hunter Oswalt 
Oculus: Henry Sackett

Favorite Halloween Specials:

Blues Clue's Halloween Special- Boat and Braxton