Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Many of us already know this. Eventually tomorrow morning, people will get up early just to begin to cook all day long. This seems like a very daunting task, and it is. In the chaos of all the traveling, preparing, and cooking we often fail to stop, take a step back, and take the 10,000 foot high view of thanksgiving. The reason for this holiday is in the name of it! Thanksgiving. To me Thanksgiving means that there are thanks to be given. Everyone has heard the saying "count your blessings", for me the saying means more so "remember the things you are thankful for". Each and every one of us will have something that they think of that they are thankful for while they read this post, and for me it is my dad. Tomorrow will be my second Thanksgiving meal without my father. Many of the teachers and students at southern wells know that my dad died early in the morning last Thanksgiving. As hard as it will be for me to enjoy my thanksgiving without him, I ,like I hope every one will, will stop to analyze and think about what you are truly thankful for. Now, I say truly thankful because we have all done these kinds of activities in school around Thanksgiving writing down what we are thankful for, but I know that not everybody takes it seriously, and often takes it for granted. I know that because I used to. I am thankful for the 17 years of my fathers life that he shared with me, and that he always worked his hardest to make ends meet so that we would live semi comfortably. We all have something, heck multiple things that we are thankful for, or at least should be thankful for. This Thanksgiving when you sit down to eat, if you say grace, or even if you don't "count your blessings" and think about what you are truly thankful for. Whether it be a roof over your head, or the nice new car mom and dad bought you, we all have something that we should be thankful for.