Monday, November 24, 2014

John Gearheart: Student of the Week

1.) Which do you prefer books or movies? 
"I like to go get a good book, roll up in a snuggie, turn the lights down, and get a little weird."

2.) Whats your favorite subject and why? 
"I'm a huge Media nerd I like to just ya know interview people and what not."

3.) Who is your favorite teacher and why? 
"Mr. Oleson he's basically the funniest person I've ever met in my life."

4.) How do you feel about going to school in a circle? 
"I hate it. I run into corners all the time."

5.) On Monday do you wear jeans or sweats? 
"Honestly I'm more of an show up in my underwear type guy, but that is frowned upon in this establishment."

6.) What's your middle name? 
"John Austin Gearheart"

7.) If you could go anywhere, where would it be and why? 
"Switzerland, because I like Swiss cheese."

8.) Who's your celebrity crush? 
"Cristiano Ronaldo, hes a babe."

9.) Cheese Toastie or Grilled Cheese? 
"Cheese Toastie all the way"

10.) If you could be an animal, what would it be? 
"An ostrich because they are scary"