Friday, November 21, 2014

snow - friend or foe?

We all know what time it is! It's turning into winter early this year. How do we know this? Consecutively at the beginning of this week, the high end of the temperature for the day would not exceed, or even get close to freezing which is a chilly very cold 32 degrees. Starting this week off with a two hour delay on both Monday and Tuesday and "false" cancellation on Monday, we know there is something stirring in the pot for this winter. The bigger thing is we have already have had a decent amount of snow so far, considering it does not even generally snow around this time of year around here. How much snow do you think we will get this year, 20, 30, 40, 50 inches? Maybe 70, who knows right? After all Buffalo, NY is under 70 inches of snow, and 7 people have died from it. A better question is are we even prepared for a winter that can be this bad. Right now I think the answer is I do not know. I say that because until we start getting the amount of snow we will be getting if it is a bad winter, we will not know how we can handle it until then. All we can do for now is just stay bundled up and stay warm.