Monday, December 8, 2014

Raider wrestlers against Heritage

The Raiders represented well for the first dual meet of the year with a win. The meet started off strong with T.C. Perry and Ethan Smith both getting wins to kick things off. Nick Roberts came in for a long match against a heritage opponent that resulted in a loss of match but gave him opportunity to fix technique. After Nick's match came Jimmy McQueary's edge of seat match that came down to a literal last second take down to win the match. From there it seemed the raiders had gained a momentum that couldn't be stopped, especially with Seniors Jacob Stout, Daniel Beeks, and Paul Renner showing their experience on the mat each walking away 1-0 on the season. The next dual meet is Thursday December 11, against the Bluffton Tigers at 6:30pm, and they also face a tournament in Lapel Saturday December 13, starting at 9:30am.