Friday, January 16, 2015

Are Snow Days a Good Thing?

In the first two weeks back from break, we experienced a few delays and a few closings. Snow days give us a break from the homework, notes, test, etc. But with these days off, we make them up in the summer, where the weather is beautiful, warm, and bright. Here are a few students' opinions on snow days.

Jessica Yencer- "Snow days are a good thing because you get to be lazy all day, and then go to Taco Bell, and the library and then go cuddle up with a book."
Brant Mechling- "I plead the 5th."
Mason Stevens- "I dislike snow days because I like the summer."
Tess Gilbert- "I dislike them because I can't see people."
Sam Smith- "I love them because I don't do anything."
Landon Lenwell- "I don't because I have to stay home when my parents are gone."
Cole Meeks- "I do because I can clean the sidewalk for my church."