Thursday, January 15, 2015

Student of The Week

This week for student of the week we at the S-Dub Hub have chosen Brandt Couch.  A little bit about Brandt, when it comes to which he prefers between books and movies he chooses movies because he likes to be entertained and there aren't very many books that entertain and intrigue him. When I asked Brandt what his favorite school subject is he responded with Ag management. He responded with Ag management not only because he wants to pursue a career in Ag but also because he can relate to many to many of the topics that they cover. It just so happens to be that Brandt's favorite teacher at the school is Mr. Stauffer, no coincidence considering Brandts favorite subject is Ag management and he also wants to pursue a degree in Ag. Using that degree in Ag he wants to be an agronomist and hopefully own his own small livestock operation. It just so turns out that Brandt's middle name is Steven. When asked who his celebrity crush is Brandt replied with Sophia Bush. If he could go anywhere Brandt would go to Saskatchewan, Canada to go hunting. His favorite meal is one surely fit for a king, Brandt's favorite meal would be a rib-eye steak with grilled garlic shrimp mashed potatoes and a caesar salad. If brandt could be one animal he would be a white tail deer so he could figure out how they slip past him every year. This is only a small bit about Brandt. If you see him in the hallway be sure to say hi and give him a high-five!