Friday, January 23, 2015

Student of the Week

Up on the Block this time around for student of the week we have Codie Oneal! Trying to keep things as cool as possible, and not having this article sound like a online dating profile, here is some info on Codie! Codie's favorite subject and teacher are band, choir, piano, and Mr. Haigh. I asked Codie how he felt about going to school in a circle he said, "I feel like it is very easy to get around and good for getting to each class on time." Some other interesting fact about Codie are his middle name is Eugene, when he grows up he wants to become a singer for a worship band, and he prefers movies over books because they give him more if a visual rather than books. We have all thought of being an animal one time or another, and when I asked Codie what animal he would be he promptly responded with the arctic wolf, the arctic wolf is a very interesting animal. Codie gave me one of the most interesting answers I have had when asking who a person's celebrity crush is. Codie told me, " I don't really have one, I am not one that is into crushing on many girls because I find it pointless to have a crush on somebody unless you know them personally. In my opinion one of the most important questions Codie answered it correctly in my eyes. To Codie, it is the Grilled cheese sandwich not a cheese toastie. Be sure to give Codie a high five in the hallway.