Friday, February 13, 2015

Jessica's Book of the Week

This week's book of the week is If I Stay by Gayle Forman.
Jess (screen name) rated If I Stay two out of five stars. She thought that the book was poorly written. Jess found the book way too cheesey. She thought that the characters were so cliche, because they were every teen's fantasy people. Jess thought that Forman was writing the book as a dream not as a rela story. Overall Jess just didn't find the book amusing or a good read.
Pavlina (screen name) rated If I stay five out five stars. She loved the book. She loved the characters and the overall plot of the story. Pavlina liked how the book used music to connect the characters to one another. She loved the characters love story and thought that it well written. Pavlina liked how Forman used flashbacks to explain their love story. Overall she loved the book.
I would rate If I Stay 4.5 out of 5 stars, because I really liked it, but I thought there were parts where it could've developed more. I was kinda confused at parts, but I loved how the characters connected through music. It's a great read, I'd highly recommended it.