Friday, February 13, 2015

Student of the Week

William Westfall is the student of the week! Some fairly interesting information about Will Westfall is that he prefers books because books give you a longer story and has all kinds of descriptive details that the movies leave out. Will's favorite class just happens to be US history. US history is his favorite class because he loves to learn about our country's past and the wars that we have been in. One piece of lucrative information that many people like to keep a secret is their middle name. Luckily for us, Will has told us his middle name; it is Colton. When asked who his favorite celebrity is Will responded with A.J. Green. If Will could go anywhere, he would go to the Caribbean because it is hot, tropical, and beautiful. If Will could b e any animal he would be an eagle so he could fly from place to place. One of the most important questions of the century Will answered oddly. To him it is a grilled cheese toasty, never heard of that one but hey, there is a first time for everything. Somethings that Will likes to do in his spare time are draw, read, workout, hang with friends, and go to campus life. Lastly, Will's favorite car is a 1969 plymouth cuda, because they are awesome!