Friday, February 27, 2015

Student of the Week

The only thing the picture above is missing is a caption. So, for this instance I will supply a sort of informative caption about the person in the right of the picture with the ball. Number 23 on the right who is running the ball is a guy by the name of Jacob Roush. Jacob, by the picture you can obviously tell that he plays football. How ever, Jacob, or  Jake as many people including my self refer to him as  does a lot more than that. Besides just playing football, Jake also plays basketball, and when he goes off to college after he wants to become a physical therapist. Jakes favorite class at school would have to be student servicing for Mr. Mann our athletic director, how ever his favorite teacher is Mr. Fouts. Jake's favorite food is his mom's fried chicken and gravy, If he could go anywhere he would go to Hawaii, his favorite animal is a tiger, and his celebrity crush is Jennifer Aniston. When asked how he feels about going to school in a circle he said he liked it because its simple and pretty easy to get around. Although I don't really agree with him, Jake says that it is a fact it is a cheese toasty. In his spare time, Jake likes to play sports and play Xbox with his friends, his favorite car is a bugatti veyron because they are really fast and they are a sleek looking car. Lastly Jakes favorite type of music is rap, and his favorite artist is either Montana of 300 or Young Buck. If you see Jake passing through the hallway besure to give him a high-five!