Friday, March 20, 2015

Student of The Week

         Jacob Weldy, you may see him around the circle as you go from class to class. There is a specific reason for that, not only is it because he goes to Southern Wells and is forced to walk around the circle, but he likes going to school in a circle because he says going to school in a circle is easier to get around. Weldy's favorite subject is history because he loves hearing about past events, and when he grows up he wants to be a firefighter. An interesting tidbit about Jacob Weldy is he moved up from Alabama so many people just call him Bama as a nickname. Bama's full name is Jacob Edward Weldy, and his celebrity crush is Jennifer Lawrence, and if Bama could go anywhere he would go to Australia because he has heard it is amazing, and it has always been a dream of his. Bama's favorite meal is steak and tators, I don't know how he likes his tators but the mere idea of the two being combined seems delicious and enticing. Some other things about Weldy, If he could be any animal he would be a lion, he likes to hangout with friends, go to rodeos, and go muddin, and lastly and probably the most important part to him the very controversial sandwich is titled a "cheese toastie". Jacob's favorite car is a 1972 chevelle because they are nice, fast and he loves working on them. Finally Bama's favorite music certainly fits his nickname because his favorite music is country, and his favorite artist is Garth Brooks.