Thursday, April 16, 2015

Raider Softball Falls to The Starfires

On Monday night, the Raider Softball team took on the South Adams Starfires in their fourth game and first conference game of the season. To start the game, Freshman Markie Price started the game pitching for the Raiders. She gave up 8 runs on 7 hits, she also had 3 walks with 2 strikeouts. Senior Brooke Kratzer came in at the bottom of the third inning to finish the game. She gave up 1 run on three hits. Kratzer had 3 walks. The Raiders had a slow start with hitting. The Raiders had nine hits total all in the 6th and 7th inning. Bree Penrod had 2 hits and a RBI, Senior Lela Knowles had a single, Savannah Ocasio had two singles, Markie Price had one single, Senior Savannah DeaKyne had one double, and Senior Meghan Yencer had a single with 2 RBIs. The Raiders fell to the Starfires 9-4.