Thursday, April 2, 2015

Student of The Week

     Now that everyone has returned from spring break it is time for another student of the week! Student of the week for the week following spring break is Hope acuna! When Hope comes to school her favorite subject is history for many reasons. She also does not have just one favorite teacher, she likes all her teacher the same! When asked about how she felt about going to school in a circle, she felt indifferent. Hope wants to go on to be a child psychologist after high school and inevitably some college. Elise is Hope's middle name, and she does not really have a celebrity crush, because she believes there are none worth crushing over right now. When asked if she could go anywhere and why she said," If i could go anywhere it would be Austrailia, because kangaroos." Kangaroos are really cool, however hope considers a cat or a kitty as she phrased it as the animal she would be if she could be an animal. Hope's favorite meal is pizza, and to her the name of the highly controversial sandwhich is a "grilled cheese". Some of her favorite things to do in her free time are painting, writing and spending time with her friends. Hope's favorite type of car is a "working" one. When asked about her favorite type of music, she says she likes a lot of different types leaning more towards the eclectic side of things, but she despises country. Right now her favorite band is Real Friends, she says they are brilliant!