Friday, April 24, 2015

Student of The Week

English allows this weeks student of the week to express herself in a creative way. As you can probably tell, our new Student of the Week is Erin Taylor. Albeit her favorite subject is english, her favorite teacher is Mr. Oleson! When asked about how she feels about going to school in a circle Erin said that,  "The circle thing has always been weird to me, especially when I first came here. I kept walking into walls but now I walk tilted all the time." Erin's middle name is Michelle. She also has always wanted to go to Kenya, Africa to help the people there. "It has always been my dream to go on a missions trip there since I was young", she told me. Once Erin grows up she plans on being a nature photographer. If Erin could be any animal at all she would be a tiger. Her favorite food is sweet and sour chicken, and with regards to the most controversial sandwich name known to man, in her opinion it shall forever be known as the Cheese Toasty. For a celebrity crush, Erin has Jensen Ackles. Some of Erin's favorite things to do are drawing, watching supernatural, and sleeping! She finds the mini cooper tiny and adorable, that is why it takes the position of favorite car to her. Erin's favorite type of music is metal, and her favorite band is a very popular one right now, Fall Out Boy.