Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Boys Track Sectional

Thursday, the Boys Track team traveled to Indiana Wesleyan in Marion to compete in Sectionals. It was a pretty nice day out for a track meet. We had two Sectional Champions, for the second year in a row, Grant Harris won the Discus. Keaton Coleman won the High Jump. Jarod McIntire placed 4th in Discus and will be going to Regionals with a Callback. Grant Harris placed 4th in Shot Put, Keaton Coleman finished 5th in Shot put, and they will both be going on to Regionals with Callbacks. The 4x100 team of Bryce Bonewit, Jake Horton, Zach Biddle, and Kane Moore placed 5th. Zach Biddle placed 5th in Long Jump. The 4x800 team of Nathan Blem, Mason Stevens, Jacob Stout, and Nick Childers placed 7th. As a team, the Boys placed 7th out of 14 overall. Grant Harris, Keaton Coleman, and Jarod McIntire will be competing this Thursday at Regionals held at Indiana Wesleyan.