Friday, May 1, 2015

Student of The Week

Our new student of the week wants to do big things with her life. Jordan Wygant, wants to be a surgical tech, or an ICU nurse when she grows up! Jordan's favorite teacher would have to be either Mr. Roush or Mr. Painter, and she likes going to school in a circle because it is easy to find your classes she says. Jordan's middle name is Ann, so her full name is Jordan Ann Wygant. Her celebrity crush is Theo James. If jordan could go anywhere, she would go to Paris, France to see the Eiffel Tower. While many people if they go to Paris, France would have their favorite meal, Jordan wouldn't because she doesn't have a particularly favorite meal. If Jordan could be any animal, she doesn't know which one she would be. That is because she hasn't really given much though about being an animal. On the subject of the most controversial sandwich name known to man, Jordan says it is definitely a Cheese Toasty. With her time, Jordan likes to play volley ball, hang out with friends, go shopping, and sing. Jordan's favorite car she says is one that gets her where she needs to go, as she doesn't have a specific favorite one. Lastly, Jordan's favorite type of music is country and rap, and she currently does not have a favorite band or artist.