Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday's Student of the Day! 8/25/17

So S-dub Hub back again with yet ANOTHER student of the day. Tune in to see just who won this award!

*Insert drum roll*

AJ Wright! 

Below are some neat deets on AJ! 

1. What's your full name? 
Anthony Joseph Wright 
2. 7 
3. Who is your rolemodel? 
Anthony Rizzo 
4. What's your favorite class? 
5. What's your favorite age?
6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000? 
Do you believe in ghosts?
 7. yes 
8. What's your favorite Disney movie? 
don't have one 
9. What's your favorite TV character? 
Peter Griffen 
10.Who's your favorite teacher and why? 
 Mr.Hunt because he teaches how to do things the right way and what to do. 

Personally, as the writer of this blogpost, I'd have to say this was my favorite simply because he also believes in the paranormal. 

If you see AJ in the halls, congratulate him! 

Have a nice day everyone!