Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Student of the Day! 8/22/17~

So today on S-Dub Hub, we've come to you with a daily student of the day! The lucky duckling this time is...

-insert drumroll here-

Kelli Neff! 

Down below is a picture of the lucky champ and a "few" questions she willingly answered. Keep reading to get some neat deets on Kelli.

1. What is your full name?
Kelli Joy Neff

2. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, one brother, Joel

3. Who is your role model?
My cousins Rachael Edwards and Cora Woodward

4. What is your most memorable class so far in this school year?
Algebra II

5. If you can be any age for a week, what would it be?
I like the age I am at right now

6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?
It depends on how big the bowl is, but probably

7. Do you believe in ghosts?
The voices in my head say no

8. What is your favorite Disney movie?
The Incredibles

9. What is your favorite TV character(s)?
I only watch sports, so Stephen Curry

10. Who is your favorite teacher and why?
Mr. Penrod because I love physics and he is a nice teacher

Thanks for checking out today's student of the day! Check back tomorrow, you never know, could be you! 

Get ready for more S-dub Hub!

Because we've been...

😊 Have a great Tuesday! 😊

- MW