Monday, September 18, 2017

Chris Penzenik, Teacher of the Week!!

Mr. Penzenik is this week's teacher of the week! Originally from South Bend, now his first year at Southern Wells, he is in his 9th year of teaching! He has taught all over the state and recently earned his masters degree in Furniture and Design. He is also the sponsor of the drama club. Though he is the art teacher he also played soccer for 16 years! his hobbies also include making art, writing, playing board games, building models, playing frisbee golf, hiking, camping and spending time with friends. HIs favorite part of Southern Wells is the positive attitude from all the students and staff, he thinks that the fact that so many want to be apart of the school atmosphere outside of the classroom is so awesome. His favorite thing about art is that it always tells a story. Whether that be through an illustration where the picture literally shows what a story says or through art history, where you are learning the story of an artist and why they created their art, art will give you a visual into a story. He would also like to travel to Western Ukraine to explore the area where his family came from.