Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hello S Dub Hub viewers this is Thomas Biddle and I'm coming to you today on my regular session once a week it's called Thomas's joke session and I am going to constantly update the blog telling funny jokes.

My first joke of the day is

Why couldn't the pirate play cards?

He was standing on the deck.

The 2nd joke of the day is

Have you heard the joke about the skunk?

Nevermind it stinks

My 3rd joke of the day is

Where do dogs go when their tail falls off?

The retail store

My 4th joke of the day is

Why can't a bicycle stand up by itself?

because it's two tired

My last joke of the day is

Police: where do you live?

Me: With my parents

Police: Where do your parents live?

Me: With me

Police: where do you all live?

Me: Together

Police: where is your house?

Me: Next to my neighbor's house.

Police: Where is your neighbor's house?

Me: If I tell you you, won't believe me.

Police: Tell me.

Me: Next to my house.