Friday, November 17, 2017

Girls Season off to a Quick Start

The Lady Raiders are 3-2 at this point of the season under new head coach Jessica Killingbeck. The Jv Lady Raiders are also 3-2. The Lady Raiders are averaging about 45 points per game and only giving up about 38 points per game. The Lady Raiders next game is Saturday at Wabash JV starts at 6. After taking a year off Kirtlyn Noble seems to be back in the groove of things. She is a good post presence to compliment our good guard trio of Jessica Yencer, Georgia Hanauer, and Jenna Eltzroth. Senior leader Jada Johnson seems to be a good all-around player. Our bench has great depth with Kelli Neff, Kristen Roupp, Juniper Tucker, Malinah Dixon, and Courtney Lemler. Another key part of our team is Sarah Bothast with her nice jumper and ability to get boards.