Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Truth Behind Fidget Spinners

Remember the epidemic of fidget spinners that swept across the country? How they were banned wide-spread across the country? There's a valid reason they became so popular and it lies in the brain. Fidget spinners easily became 2017's top-selling toy but also antidote for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and autism. It distracts your mind and helps you focus on a task at hand. 

The way it works is, while spinning the momentum device between your fingers, it provides a pleasing sensory experience. It calms your nerves, promises greater concentration levels, and inspires you to be more creative. 

But.. That's all been proven to be a lie. 

"Using a spinner-like gadget is more likely to serve as a distraction than a benefit for individuals with ADHD," said Mark Rapport, a clinical psychologist at the University of Central Florida who has studied the benefits of movement on attention in people with ADHD.

Kid's attention spans have degraded over time while using fidget spinners.