Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cheese Toastie vs. Grilled Cheese

There has been a huge debate over where it is called a Cheese Toastie or a Grilled Cheese. Personally, I believe it's a Cheese Toastie. I mean, you don't grill bread. Cooked bread is toast, not grilled bread. The only possible argument that you could make is it is a grilled cheese sandwich because you can't grill cheese it simply shrivels up and is no longer cheese, just a pile of crust. Also, the term "Toastie" comes from Britain, and, Britain, has been around longer than the United States. Therefore, Cheese Toastie is the original, more political term than Grilled Cheese.

Rockwell has provided his side, the Grilled Cheese.
The reason is I think this is because you put it in a pan or  on a George foreman. The reason not to call it a cheese toastie is cause you don't toast the bread. Yes you toast bread on but, you do not when it comes to making cheese and bread. This is what I call a grilled cheese. One other reason is in our area that is what it is called. Another reason is the simple it taste better when you grill it. Now you can toast it but, you are suppose to grill it, I hope you agree with my option but if you don’t that is ok.