Friday, September 12, 2014

Golf results

 The girls golf team on Monday won against Adam Central and Bluffton.  The team posted a 198 which is one of the best scores they have had in a couple of years. In the individual scores  lead them with a 46. followed by Gearheart 49, Sills 51, Elam 52 and Rachel 55.  I interviewed Jasmine Gearheart on Monday's match on how the season has  been going so far.

The first question I asked Jasmine was how the season's been as a team?
Response: It's been okay we have done good as a team

What do you do at practice every day?
Response: We putt and chip then we play 5 to 6 holes before we leave to go home.

What is your best score this season and overall as a southern wells girls golfer?
Response: My best score this season is a 49 and, my lowest ever is a 43 as a Southern Wells girls golfer.

The last question was how will thursday match go?
Response: It will be a challenge we play Canterbury. They're really good.