Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Staff Softball Game

This year, in honor of homecoming week, the Southern Wells Elementary and High School Staff are going to participate in a softball game on Monday, September 8th. Admission is $2 and the proceeds will benefit the Southern Wells Varsity Softball team. Concessions will be made available.  This game will be fun, exciting, and who doesn't want to see their favorite teachers play America's pastime? They can teach, but can they play?

 The teams will consist of:

High School Team
Kelly Plank, Laura Hanauer, Sydney Watters, Jeni Meeks, Monica Aker, Ben Mann, Chad Yencer, Joel Roush, Chad Smekens, Ben Burman, Kyle Penrod, Steve Yencer, Chris Painter, Ryan King, and Kelsey McKinney.

Elementary Team
Mike Carter, Dale Gearheart, Bill Cline, Nikki Barcus, Ross Palmer​, Bob Pace​, Chase Anderson​, Dawn Allison​, Paula McMillan, Rebecca Miner​, Lisa Smith​, Kim Huffman​, Laura McKinney​, and Robin Collins. ​