Wednesday, October 8, 2014

8th Grade Chicago Trip

     On Wednesday, October 1, 2014 the eighth grade boys and girls all went up to the beautiful windy city of Chicago! After the 4 hour trip, the first stop in Chicago was Millennium Park. For those people who don't know this is where the giant silver bean is located, and was the sight of the class picture. After taking the picture and walking around the bean the kids were loaded back onto the buses and taken to the Museum of Science and Industry. This was a fun and exciting learning experience for all of the eighth graders involved. We asked  Mikel L. Sutton about the trip. Mikel's favorite part was the museum, because "there was a bunch of cool stuff." Overall he liked the trip, but he did think the bus ride was boring. One crazy thing that happened was when he dissected a cow eyeball. He thought it was "pretty cool". We also talked to Breanna Lockwood and Tess Gilbert who agreed with their classmates that the museum was a great experience. When asked about the bus ride up there they said that it was loud, but lots of fun. The big city was also a new experience for them as they said that the city was weird. Along with these 8th graders, Mr. Butler's Anatomy class also ventured along to Chicago and explored the famous Chicago aquarium and the science museum. Drew Rockwell commented on the trip. saying that the aquarium and museum were "awesome man." Overall, it was a great trip and a great experience for everyone.