Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Falling Short at Regionals.

Meghan Yencer, Shelby Skidmore, Brooke Penrod, and Chloe Maddox advanced to regionals at IWU. The girls lined up at the start line approximately at 10:30 am. Everyone was silent, even the wind, as the girls took their last run out before the race. Complete silence, then... BOOM, the gun was shot and the race had begun. The crowd bursted with cheers. The girls were off. As they ran the course, cheers erupted. Finally, for Southern Wells Meghan Yencer crossed the finish line for the Raiders. Brooke, then Shelby, then Chloe crossed the line. Meghan said "The regional was full of great teams with great runners, which provided awesome competition. It was pretty cold and windy, not a perfect day for running. Some of our times were a little slow but we did what we could. It was a really weird feeling for Shelby, Brooke, and I because it was our last high school race." The girls did very well.

Nick Childers was the only boy who made it to regionals. He represented the Raiders well, but did not get out of Regionals. Nick ran very well.