Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Winter 2014-15, and how to prepare

I hate to say it but this Halloween looks like it will show the first snow of a really long winter. Due to the El Nino effect we will be seeing a lot of snow in our region of the United States. Reason behind the snow is when waters in the Gulf of Alaska are warmer than usual and the waters West of the Hawaiian islands are colder than usual the clash of the two will all and all make a bad winter for us. But don't lose all hope for this coming winter because West of Mexico is a very vast amount of above normal water as seen on this picture supplied by NOAA. This winter will more than likely be a rough one and many sources predict record breaking snow falls.

How to prepare yourself at home:
Stock up on canned goods, prepare to have an alternative heat source other than the one that requires electricity of your home, stock up on winter clothing, have a good snow shovel.

How to prepare your vehicle: Have a tow chain, ice scraper, blankets and extra warm clothing in your trunk, snow shovel in your trunk.

What to do if you get stuck:
If you are not completely covered leave your car running, it is your primary source of heat. If you can flag down a vehicle to help you out attach the tow chain to a solid metal part of the car and to the other vehicle. If you cannot flag down a vehicle this is where the shovel comes in handy. Clear a path behind your vehicle back to the road, then clear a patch behind both front tires, and then clear the rest of the snow behind your vehicle and attempt to back up back onto the road. If you still can't get out call for help.