Thursday, March 5, 2015

Jessica's Book of the Week

This week's book of the week is Every Day by David Levithan.
Komal (screen name) rated Every Day a one out of five stars. She thought that Levithan had a great idea, but just didn't explain it enough to actually be a good book. She had so many unanswered questions. She was just looking for more answers, more clues throughout the book, and the clues never came, which made Komal upset and made the book pointless. Komal, like Levithan writing style, but he just didn't do a good enough job on writing this book.
Belkis (screen name) rated Every Day a five out of five stars. She was amazed by the plot and the idea of Levithan's book. She loves how as a reader you got to see so many lives of everybody. She just loved how Levithan caught the feelings of all the main character and how the words on the page just came alive before her very eyes. Belkis just loved the book.
I would rate Every Day a three out of five stars. I did like the plot, but it wasn't developed enough for me. There were so many loose ends that weren't tied up. I just had so many questions, but I do feel like Levithan did a great job about pulling me in from the beginning. It's not a bad book, just not a great one either.