Friday, March 6, 2015

Student of the Week

Lisa Campbell is Student of the week for the first week in march! Lisa is an 8th grader here at Southern Wells Jr.-Sr. High School, and she likes going to school in a circle because she gets to pass all of her friends in the hallway and its easy to get to class. Lisa's favorite subject is math and her favorite teacher is Mrs. Paxson. Lisa's favorite subject is math because Mrs. Meeks her math teacher helped her get her grade up and does the best for Lisa. Like wise, Mrs. Paxson is Lisa's favorite teacher because she is funny and does what is right for her. After she grows up Lisa wants to be a singer or a veterinarian. In her spare time Lisa likes to dance, sing, take selfies, and read The Bible. Some other info about lisa is that her middle name is Lynn, her favorite meal to eat is little caesar's pizza and their breadsticks, and if she could be an animal she would be an eagle because she could fly and be free. To Lisa it is grilled cheese, and she says that her mom makes the best one! Her favorite car is a vw bug or a lamborghini, and her favorite band is R5, and her favorite type of music is christian music. Lastly If Lisa could go anywhere she would go to Judea, West Asia because thats where Jesus died, her celebrity crush is Teo Halm, and she prefers movies because with movies she says you can actually see it happening rather than just picturing it happening.