Thursday, March 12, 2015

Student of The Week

Mac, J-rod, Bulldog, This guy goes by many names but his real name is Jarod McIntire. Mac, we can call him for this purpose, is man of different qualities. Some of the things Mac likes are cars and music. Mac's favorite type of music is rock, and his favorite band just happens to be Blue October. Mac's favorite car is an el camino because he likes the way that they look. When asked about how he feels about going to school in a circle he says, " he doesn't think much about it." Mac's favorite teacher and subject are Mr. Penrod and business class, because he wants to go to college for business. Mac's celebrity crush is Anna Kendricks, and if he could go anywhere he would go to Rome because he one day wants to see the coliseum. Mac likes to watch movies in his free time, as well as have some pizza as that is his favorite food. Along the Lines of favorite animals, for Mac, his is a sloth! With regards to the timeless argument on whether it is a grilled cheese or a cheese toastie, to MAc it is a grilled cheese. Lastly McIntire is a fan of muscle cars, we can tell this because his favorite car is an El Camino.