Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bailey's Book of the Week!!

This weeks book was When Dad Killed Mom by Julius Lester. One review from The Bulletin said that "Readers will be caught up by the fast flowing current of emotion, events, and revelations." This review is very accurate, I was so caught up in this book I could picture it in my head.  The story is told from the viewpoint of the children Jenna and Jeremy. At first Jenna is telling her side of the story and she is on her dads side even though he killed her mom. Jeremy on the other hand is on his moms side and thinks that his dad is a monster. The kids are in school when they hear the awful news about their mother. They go and live with their mothers best friend as the investigation and trial of their dad is going on. Over the months that the trial and investigation are taking place family secrets from the past are being dug up. Secrets about their dad and his ex-wife, secrets about their grandpa, and why his relationship with their dad went sour. This book is a cliff-hanging, drama filled, has you on the edge of your seat, mystery/thriller book. I definitely give this book a five out of five star rating.