Friday, January 12, 2018

Is Water Wet?

     Is water wet? A simple question that makes people think. But just seems to be no logical answer with different opinions about the subject. There probably is one out there but we may never know. Here are a few reasons out of a hundred to why it is yes or no. 

     Few reasons why people would say yes: 
  • Wetness is our description of what we feel when we put our hand in water. Saying water is wet is like saying that wood is hard or fire is hot. 
  • When a kid goes outside, a parent would tell them not to get their shoes or feet wet. You would instantly think to not get in water or mud. 
     Few reasons why people would say no: 
  • When you jump into a pool, you are not wet until you come above the surface and come in contact with air, therefore water is not wet. Things become wet after it's been "touched" by water not while it is being "touched". 
  • Wet is what you would use to describe the feeling of water, not what it is. 
              What do you think?