Friday, January 12, 2018

The Reptilian Elite

There have been many popular conspiracy theories about the government, and a ton of other touchy subjects. One of my favorite conspiracy theories is called "The Reptilian Elite." The reptilian elite is a group of "Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race." If this doesn't sound crazy enough, here's the kicker, they are already here! A lot of the people that believe in the reptilian elite believe that this group includes people such as Hitler, terrorists, actors/actresses, and musicians. When you really think about it, the reptilian elite doesn't seem too impossible. The human race knows very little about the rest of the universe so really anything is possible. There are countless articles on the internet on how to spot a member of the reptilian elite. Some of these warning signs of giant lizard people are somewhat obvious by the people having "predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes," "piercing eyes," and "psychic abilities." Now, these warning signs of being a giant lizard might seem far-fetched, but again, anything is possible. Always look for warning signs if you think you know someone that might be a giant lizard person.