Friday, January 19, 2018

Rare Meteor Over Michigan

This past Tuesday, there appeared to be a meteor that flew over the Detroit area of Michigan. Many people would describe the meteor as a bright yellowish-orange light. The American Meteor Society says that the meteor entered the atmosphere and broke apart before it could hit the ground. Bill Cooke with NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office told The Detroit News it was "definitely a meteoroid" and a rare sight for Michigan. He continued to say that the meteor was about one or two yards across and weighed more than a metric ton. The meteor also caused a loud shrieking noise because of the speed it was falling at. Many people thought that the meteor was a missile because of the odd noise it was creating. A citizen of Michigan said, "I went to turn and I noticed a ball of flame coming at an angle." He continued to say “It just blew up into a bunch of sparks. I didn’t even know what to think. It was kind of odd how orange the sky was behind me and this blaze of flame out of nowhere.” NASA officials said that the meteor entered the Earth's atmosphere around 8:08 PM. Below are multiple videos of the meteor actually entering the atmosphere and disintegrating.