Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Lady Raiders Win Tri-Central Holiday Tournament

On Saturday, December 20th, the Lady Raiders Varsity and JV Basketball team competed at the Tri- Central holiday tournament. Both teams played against the Randolph Southern Rebels in their first game. The Varsity had a hard fought game against the Rebels. The game was close throughout the entire first half with the Rebels taking a two point lead going into into halftime. Both teams kept their intensity throughout the second half, however the Raiders won by only two points.

The JV didn't fare so well. The Rebels had a very cushioned lead in the first three quarters, however, toward the end of the fourth quarter, the Raiders shots started to fall and they brought the Rebels lead to only ten points. The Raiders ended up losing 48-38.

The day ended with the both teams winning. Both teams battled Tri-Central. The JV team won in a close game throughout. The team pulled out a W to place third. The Varsity team played in the Championship game at 8 p.m. The Varsity team had a pretty good lead throughout the game and won the game 46-38.