Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pick em Predictions

This week we are starting a Pick em for the ACAC games and three random college games 
RULES: You get a point if you pick the winner and a point for each score you get correct
Stakes: If you lose you have to do a task that the winner(s) choose.

Jay County vs Southern Wells: 49-0 JC
Z: 28-21 Southern Wells
Lightle: 21- 16 Southern Wells
Reid: 7-0 Southern Wells
Ian: 28-21 Southern Wells
Biddle: 18-12 Southern Wells
Huff: pass

South Adams vs Bluffton: 51-27 SA
Z: 8-7 Bluffton
Lightle: 28-6 South Adams 1
Reid: 18-14 Bluffton
Ian: 14-12 Bluffton
Biddle: 47-5 South Adams 1
Huff: 26-20 Bluffton

Woodlan vs Heritage 67-0W
Z: 59-6 Woodlan 1
Lightle: 53-32 Woodlan 1
Reid: 69-14 Woodlan 1
Ian: 42-35 Heritage
Biddle: 100-6 Woodlan 1
Huff: 48-15 Woodlan 1

Western Michigan vs  4 USC 49-31USC
Z: 42-17 USC 1
Lightle: 37-14 USC 1
Reid: 55-37 Western Michigan
Ian: 54-3 USC 1
Biddle: 23-14 Western Michigan
Huff: 36-7 USC 1

Stonybrook vs 19 South Florida (USF)  31-17 USF 
Z: 35-21 USF 1
Lightle: 35-7 USF 1
Reid: 26-15 USF 1
Ian: 35-3 USF 1
Biddle:35-13 USF 1
Huff: 50-7 USF 1

3 Florida State vs 1 Alabama 24-7Bama
Z: 35-28 Alabama 1
Lightle: 42- 38 Alabama 1
Reid: 45-27 Alabama 1
Ian: 24-14 Alabama 2
Biddle: 42-28 Alabama 1
Huff: 21-14 FSU


Next weeks Game:
Adams Central vs Jay Country
Bluffton vs Woodlan
Southern Wells vs Park Tudor
Heritage vs South Adams
Minnesota vs Oregon State
Oklahoma vs Ohio State
Auburn vs Clemson
Giants vs Cowboys

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Which way do dogs wear pants

Image result for which way do dogs wear pants
Ian: A dog would obviously wear his pants like the left side because pants are made to cover up legs. The definition of pants is having individual leg portions that reach typically to the ankle but sometimes to any of various other points from the upper leg down. On the right side, he is only covering two legs so according to the definition the right side is incorrect.

Rex: I disagree with Ian. I think the image on the right side is way more logical because yeah, on the left the dog's legs are covered up but the dog's anus is exposed. Personally, I think pants are used more for the reason of covering up areas that you don't want the world seeing. I think that keeping the anus covered is way more important than keeping all four legs covered up.

What do you think?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday Student of the day.

Hey. It is now Tuesday and you know what that means! The student of the day today is...

Jessica Yencer!

  1. What is your full name? Jessica Mackenzie Yencer
  2. Do you have any siblings? Yes, an older and younger sister.
  3. Who is your role model? My parents and my Grandpa Frank
  4. What is your favorite class so far this school year? My favorite class is Anatomy.
  5. If you could be any age for a week, what would it be? 22
  6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000? Yes
  7. Do you believe in ghosts? No, not really.
  8. What is your favorite Disney movie? High School Musical
  9. Who is your favorite television character? Serna Van Der Woodsen from Gossip Girl
  10. Who is your favorite teacher and why? Roush because he says hi to me every morning and is very funny

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday: Student of the Day.

Happy Monday, Raiders! We are back with another student of the day!

The student of the day today is...Vaughn Drennen! Congratulations Vaughn!

What is your full name? Vaughn Robert Drennen
Do you have any siblings? 3 siblings

Who is your role model? Jesus

What is your favorite class so far this school year? Accounting

If you could be any age for a week, what would it be? 22

Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000? No

Do you believe in ghosts? Yes

What is your favorite Disney movie? Frozen

Who is your favorite television character? Patrick Jane

Who is your favorite teacher and why? Mrs. Mckenny, she made Geometry fun.

Friday, August 25, 2017


Friday's Student of the Day! 8/25/17

So S-dub Hub back again with yet ANOTHER student of the day. Tune in to see just who won this award!

*Insert drum roll*

AJ Wright! 

Below are some neat deets on AJ! 

1. What's your full name? 
Anthony Joseph Wright 
2. 7 
3. Who is your rolemodel? 
Anthony Rizzo 
4. What's your favorite class? 
5. What's your favorite age?
6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000? 
Do you believe in ghosts?
 7. yes 
8. What's your favorite Disney movie? 
don't have one 
9. What's your favorite TV character? 
Peter Griffen 
10.Who's your favorite teacher and why? 
 Mr.Hunt because he teaches how to do things the right way and what to do. 

Personally, as the writer of this blogpost, I'd have to say this was my favorite simply because he also believes in the paranormal. 

If you see AJ in the halls, congratulate him! 

Have a nice day everyone!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday's Daily Student of the Day! - 8/24/17

Hello raiders! S-dub  Hub back again with another student of the day, read below to get more neat deets on... 

Sophia Cady!

Here are those answers I promised you! 

1. What is your full name?
    Sophia Kathleen Cady
2. Do you have any siblings?
      A brother who is 10 years older than me and a younger sister.
3. Who is your role model?
  My old teacher, Mrs. Gallmeyer.
4. What is your most memorable class so far in this school year?
     Botany and Zoology
5. If you can be any age for a week, what would it be?
6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?
   Heck yes!
7. Do you believe in ghosts?
     No of course not silly.
8. What is your favorite Disney movie?
    Monsters, Inc,
9. What is your favorite TV character(s)?
   Phoebe from FRIENDS
10. Who is your favorite teacher and why?
   Mrs. Jackson because she's funny and gets my humor

Tell her congrats if you see her in the hallways! On a side note.. 

Yesterday was a bit of a messup with photos, so we weren't able to upload a student of the day. Sorry for that!


Everyone have a great Friday-eve! 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Intro Video 2017-2018

Check out the intro to the 2017-2018 Media class!!

Student of the Day! 8/22/17~

So today on S-Dub Hub, we've come to you with a daily student of the day! The lucky duckling this time is...

-insert drumroll here-

Kelli Neff! 

Down below is a picture of the lucky champ and a "few" questions she willingly answered. Keep reading to get some neat deets on Kelli.

1. What is your full name?
Kelli Joy Neff

2. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, one brother, Joel

3. Who is your role model?
My cousins Rachael Edwards and Cora Woodward

4. What is your most memorable class so far in this school year?
Algebra II

5. If you can be any age for a week, what would it be?
I like the age I am at right now

6. Would you eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?
It depends on how big the bowl is, but probably

7. Do you believe in ghosts?
The voices in my head say no

8. What is your favorite Disney movie?
The Incredibles

9. What is your favorite TV character(s)?
I only watch sports, so Stephen Curry

10. Who is your favorite teacher and why?
Mr. Penrod because I love physics and he is a nice teacher

Thanks for checking out today's student of the day! Check back tomorrow, you never know, could be you! 

Get ready for more S-dub Hub!

Because we've been...

😊 Have a great Tuesday! 😊

- MW

Monday, August 21, 2017

Questions for Mr. Jarman