Friday, October 31, 2014

student of the Week friday, oct 31 2014

Student of the week this week is Tanner Thompson. Many people know Good ol' Tanner by is famous nickname "boat". Tanner's nickname  "boat" is just as mysterious as his favorite superhero, who is batman. Like many of his friends, and people his age Boat prefers to watch movies rather than read books. Boat's  favorite subject happens to be media, in media he does many cool things such as making videos, and writing articles about sporting events for our school blog, the S-Dub Hub. Uncoincidentally, Boat's favorite teacher is Mr. Burman. Mr. Burman is a good teacher, who is also understanding and fun to have as a teacher. when asked what boat thinks about going to school in a circle, he replied,"It's been real.". On any average monday Tanner will wear sweatpants over jeans. Boat would go to costa rica if he could, because of the amazing landscape he has heard of. MArgot Robbie happens to be Boat's celebrity rush, she plays in the movie Wolf of Wall street. Tanner's middle name is glen, so his full name is Tanner glen Thompson. Boat's dream job happens to be stay at home son.

B.A.D. Pinterest

     We recently decided to add a weekly series called B.A.D. Pinterest to the S-Dub Hub. The show will consist of Blake Zoda, Austin Rathbun, and Drew Rockwell attempting to recreate difficult Pinterest arts and crafts. The three men will compete each week to see who did the best. Follow your favorite artist each week and vote! At the end of the semester, the points will be tallied and a winner will be named! Here is episode number #1!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Teacher of The Week


Tell us about yourself! (ie. Birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies, etc.

have 2 sons, Payton and Kreigh. My wife and I have been married almost 20 years. My Birthday is November 18th. I’ll be 44 years old this year.

I have taught previously at Eastbrook, and Wes-Del schools. This is my 21st year teaching.

My hobbies include fishing and playing basketball.

What do you like about Southern Wells?

First off, I am a Raider at heart. My parents graduated from here, I graduated from here, and my sons will graduate from here. I like that it feels like home. It is also small enough that people can develop real relationships with one another and everyone can find a place to belong.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I really enjoy interacting with my students. That is by far the best part of my job.

If you were animal, what would you be?

I’d be a house dog. They basically lay around, receive attention from their family, and eat. That sounds like a perfect life to me.

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?
It is a grilled sandwich with cheese in it. Therefore it is a grilled cheese sandwich.

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?

I had a student vomit on another student so profusely that we had to evacuate my classroom for 2 days while they cleaned and fumigated the room.

If you stranded on an island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
I would bring fishing equipment, so I could be entertained and eat. I would bring my family so I wouldn’t be lonely, and I would bring a basketball goal and basketball combo so I could play every day. That would make my life just about ideal.

Raiders' Scary Story

 To get into the spirit of Halloween, we had some of the students make up a scary story. Each person built on from the last line. The story was a creative, funny, and scary. This story let students and teachers get creative with a little line. We hope you  enjoy!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Winter 2014-15, and how to prepare

I hate to say it but this Halloween looks like it will show the first snow of a really long winter. Due to the El Nino effect we will be seeing a lot of snow in our region of the United States. Reason behind the snow is when waters in the Gulf of Alaska are warmer than usual and the waters West of the Hawaiian islands are colder than usual the clash of the two will all and all make a bad winter for us. But don't lose all hope for this coming winter because West of Mexico is a very vast amount of above normal water as seen on this picture supplied by NOAA. This winter will more than likely be a rough one and many sources predict record breaking snow falls.

How to prepare yourself at home:
Stock up on canned goods, prepare to have an alternative heat source other than the one that requires electricity of your home, stock up on winter clothing, have a good snow shovel.

How to prepare your vehicle: Have a tow chain, ice scraper, blankets and extra warm clothing in your trunk, snow shovel in your trunk.

What to do if you get stuck:
If you are not completely covered leave your car running, it is your primary source of heat. If you can flag down a vehicle to help you out attach the tow chain to a solid metal part of the car and to the other vehicle. If you cannot flag down a vehicle this is where the shovel comes in handy. Clear a path behind your vehicle back to the road, then clear a patch behind both front tires, and then clear the rest of the snow behind your vehicle and attempt to back up back onto the road. If you still can't get out call for help.

Falling Short at Regionals.

Meghan Yencer, Shelby Skidmore, Brooke Penrod, and Chloe Maddox advanced to regionals at IWU. The girls lined up at the start line approximately at 10:30 am. Everyone was silent, even the wind, as the girls took their last run out before the race. Complete silence, then... BOOM, the gun was shot and the race had begun. The crowd bursted with cheers. The girls were off. As they ran the course, cheers erupted. Finally, for Southern Wells Meghan Yencer crossed the finish line for the Raiders. Brooke, then Shelby, then Chloe crossed the line. Meghan said "The regional was full of great teams with great runners, which provided awesome competition. It was pretty cold and windy, not a perfect day for running. Some of our times were a little slow but we did what we could. It was a really weird feeling for Shelby, Brooke, and I because it was our last high school race." The girls did very well.

Nick Childers was the only boy who made it to regionals. He represented the Raiders well, but did not get out of Regionals. Nick ran very well.

Raiders Move On To Round Two

On Friday night the Raiders traveled to North Miami for the first round of the sectional tournament. The Raiders came out and had a slow start to the game. In the first half two turnovers by the Raiders gave North Miami the lead 7-0 at the half. When the second half started the Raiders came out much stronger. The Raiders Daniel Beeks scored on the first drive of the third quarter to tie up the game at 7-7. On defense the Raiders defense continued to do their job and go the Raiders offense the ball back. The Raiders offense drove right back down field with Jake Roush finishing the drive with a touchdown to give the Raiders their first lead of the game at 14-7. Back on defense Landon Cassiday caused a North Miami fumble and the Raiders recovered giving them great field position. After a few great plays by the Raiders, Daniel Beeks scored again giving the Raiders a 21-7 lead. North Miami with the ball drove the field in a short time to make the game 21-14 with not much time left. North Miami decided that they needed to onside kick the ball trying to get the ball back. The North Miami kicker has a bad kick with the ball not reaching the ten yard requirement, but while North Miami was just standing around the Raiders Daniel Beeks picked up the ball and returned it for the final touchdown of the night. The Raiders decide to go for two and were successful on a short run by Jake Roush. The final score was 29-14. The Raiders will travel to Southwood for the second round of the IHSAA sectional tournament.

The offensive player of the game was Bryce Bonewit.
The defensive player of the game was Landon Cassiday.
The overall player of the game was Daniel Beeks.

Stat leaders

Bryce Bonewit- 25 yards

Bryce Bonewit- 141 yards 
Daniel Beeks- 60 yards
Jake Roush- 60 yards

Daniel Beeks- 25 yards

Landon Cassiday- 15 tackles 
Jacob Stout- 8 tackles
Ethan Smith- 6 tackles 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Student of the Week: Meadow Tucker

Favorite teacher and why? 
*Mrs. Tucker, because she is an awesome sub.

Favorite Class and Why 
*Favorite class-Freshman gym, because it was my goof off class.

Grilled Cheese or Cheese Toastie
*Cheese toastie, of course!

Favorite Memory? 
*My favorite memory happened when I was five. Timber pushed me off of the shelves that held the games at home. I got a bad cut on my stomach so my mom made a chocolate cake just for me.

Favorite Cartoon and why? 
*Dragon Tales because it reminds me of the good old days.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
*A nurse or a guidance counselor.

What do you like to do outside of school?
*Hang out with friends and family and relax.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Freshmen become Fossil Hunters!!!!!

Friday Mr. Butler took his biology class down to Richmond, Indiana. Us freshmen had a job to do. So as we arrived we got off the bus and climbed the hill side looking for fossils. Everyone found all kinds of fossils, but there was mostly fossils with shells in them. Mr.Butler said " That we couldn't go up all the way." When the job was done we got back on the bus and went have a great lunch at a fast food restaurant.
Here are some pictures and video's from the trip:

Raiders Battle The Bruins Until The End

On Thursday, the Lady Raider volleyball team took on the Blackford Bruins in their last regular season game. Blackford had previously beat the Raiders at the Kay Sanders Classic, which meant the Raiders were out for revenge. Bailey Kohr commented, " I thought that we were going to go in there and get our revenge. I was so pumped last night because I believed that we would win." The Raiders came out strong and won the first set 25-23. In the next two sets, the Raiders lost 22-25. However, the Raiders didn't give up and won set four 25-12. The fifth set the Raiders were down 10-3. Coach Blevins called a timeout and challenged the girls and said that Blackford wanted to win more than they did. The Raiders soon retailed by coming back 11-15.

The Raiders were lead in kills by Allison Blevins with 13, Arrianne Moore 9, Savannah Deakyne 6, Megan Horton 5, Lela Knowles 4, Alexis Collins and Sydnee Jones 2, Megan Fiechter and Bailey Kohr each had 1. Horton had 3 blocks, Moore 2, Blevins 1. Deakyne had 4 aces, Fiechter  3, Jones and Blevins 2, Kohr 1. Knowles had 13 digs, Deakyne 11, Jones 10, Kohr 9, Moore, Fiechter, and Blevins 4, Collins 3, Ocasio 2. Fiechter had a career high of 40 assists, Deakyne, Blevins, and Moore added 1 a piece.

The Raiders will take on Liberty Christian on Saturday, October 26, at 11 a.m. at Cowan High School. Come out and support your Raiders at Sectionals!

Friday, October 17, 2014

High School

High School, four years of our life that we begin wishing away from the very day we start. Only do we realize that we don't want high school to end, or at least to have more time is ironically at the very end. People who have already graduated from high school and that have moved on in life say that they wish they could go back to high school even just for one day, and that they would do almost anything to go back for that one day. I know that I myself have appreciated, but not really made the best use of my time in high school so far, or done that much.  Now even I wish that I had done more in my three previous years and now that i'm a senior, I have really come to treat doing things with my friends like it would be the last time during high school that I would be able to do things with them, because eventually, high school for everyone comes to an end. That idea, high school ending, for some will be one of the best days of their life, and for some it will be a day that they remember for the rest of their life as a day they wished would never come. I guess what i'm trying to get at is we need to cherish almost everything that we do in high school along with the friends we have and make during it as well, because we only get to go through high school once.

The Carnes Crazies!

      A lot comes to mind when you think about the infamous Carnes Crazies. The costumes, the yelling, the tradition, it represents what the Carnes Crazies are really about. They are at every football game, home or away, chanting their hearts out encouraging the football team to victory. But, most people just see this and don't see what happens behind the scenes. There's the preparation that goes into each week, the rides to away games, the cookouts, Crazy football, and all of the Mountain Holler. So, as a filmmaker, I set out to capture the true story of the Carnes Crazies. For the video we interviewed four members whose careers covered every year of the Crazies. After weeks of hard work, here's the finished product.. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

FCCLA Promotes Save Driving

This Friday at the football game, the Southern Wells FCCLA chapter will be working with State Farm Insurance to promote safe driving in the winter months. State Farm has a program called Celebrate My Drive where they raise awareness for things such as texting and driving. The FCCLA would like to raise awareness about driving safely in the winter and what you need to have in your car in case of an emergency. FCCLA will also be selling chicken and noodle soup at the game. A cup of delicious soup is $2.00 each. Come out and support, not only your football team, but you Southern Wells FCCLA Chapter!

The Voice Battle Rounds!!

     This week marks the start of the battle rounds for the voice this year! The contestants this year are really making leaps and bounds as they transition from The Blinds to The Battles. However the coaches seem to be slacking this year and not making the best choices when it comes to choosing the better artist.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Southern Wells NHS Chapter Initiates New Members

On Monday night, the Southern Wells NHS chapter welcomed new members to the club. Two new senior members and fifteen new junior members were honored. Each new member was awarded with a pin to go on their letter jacket and the returning senior members were awarded a patch. Mr. Lavanchy was kind enough to speak about pursuing education. His speech was a great new take on the three R's of school, Reach, Respond, and Rejoice. Being admitted into the National Honor Society is a huge achievement. Congratulations to all the current and new members!

Raiders Have a Great Weekend in Bloomington and Louisville

This past weekend, The lady Raider volleyball team got to experience a great weekend of volleyball. On Saturday, the team traveled to Bloomington to watch the Indiana Hoosiers take on the Purdue Boilermakers at University Gym. Before the game, the team took a tour of campus and the athletic facilities, such as Memorial Stadium, Cook Hall and the student-athlete academic areas. At the game, many alumni members of the Hoosier volleyball team were recognized in honor for 40 years of Hoosier Volleyball. Sadly, the Hoosiers lost to Purdue in 4 games.

On Sunday, the ladies traveled to Louisville to watch the Louisville Cardinals take on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish. Before the game, the Louisville coach, Anne Kordes, invited the girls down onto the court, to meet and talk to the players. Coach Kordes took the team to the locker room and allowed the girls to take pictures with the players. The Cardinals swept the Fighting Irish 3-0.

Overall, the girls had an awesome time! This was a great experience for the team to bond and experience volleyball at a high level. Hopefully, the girls will take a few things back from this weekend and use them on the court!

The Raiders will be back in action on Tuesday at Norwell High School against the Knights.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cross Country Sectionals!

     On Saturday, October 11, 2014, the boys and girls cross country team ventured down to Indiana Wesleyan University and ran against many teams. The competition was stiff and only the top 5 teams and top 10 individual runners got to move on to Regionals.  The runners were very excited for their early morning run. Once the action kicked off, hundreds of boys and girls all ran their hearts out trying to finish near the top. The top girls teams were Huntington North, Oak Hill, Northfield, Southwood, and Marion. Southern Wells missed the cut by just four points. But moving on individually are runners Meghan Yencer, Brooke Penrod, Shelby Skidmore, and Chloe Maddox. The top boys teams were Oak Hill, Northfield, Eastbrook, Wabash, and Marion. We did have our top runner, Dale Childers, who finished 28th, move on to Regionals. These runners are now preparing for their upcoming Regionals match at IWU again on Saturday, October 18th. Great job so far, and good luck!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Raiders Take Down The Bears

The Raiders came out Friday night against Monroe Central, a 1A ranked team. The Raiders played very strong all game and came out with the win. Monroe Central was unable to do anything on the Raiders defense all game. In the first quarter the Raiders scored on their first drive of the game on a 10 yard run from junior quarterback Bryce Bonewit. On defense the Raiders were able to hold the Bears and at the end of the first the game was 7-0. The second quarter was much like the first quarter both teams played very good defense making it hard for either team to score. On offense the Raiders drove all the way down field with Bryce Bonewit again scoring the give the Raiders a 14-0 lead. Monroe Central was able to match the Raiders taking the game to 14-7 at the half. In the third quarter neither team was able to put the ball in the end zone because of both teams tight defense. The game went into the fourth quarter still tied 14-7. In the fourth quarter the Raiders were able to score again on a 66 yard touchdown pass from Bryce Bonewit to Jake Roush. This gave the Raiders a little more comfortable lead as the led 20-7. With the ball the Bears continued unable to move the ball against the Raiders. The Raiders senior Brad Woodward got his third interception of the game to get the Raiders the ball. The Raiders drove down field running down the clock. In the final minutes of the game Daniel Beeks got the Raiders final score of the night, giving the Raiders the 27-7 win.

Bryce Bonewit was given the offensive player of the game. Brad Woodward was given the defensive player of the game. Gavin Barcus was given the overall player of the game.

Stat Leaders

Bryce Bonewit- 70 yards

Bryce Bonewit- 58 yards
Daniel Beeks- 40 yards
Gavin Barcus- 25 yards
Jake Roush- 25 yards

Jake Roush- 66 yards
Brad Woodward-4 yards

Landon Cassiday- 10 tackles
Cameron Cook - 9 tackles

Friday, October 10, 2014

Student of the Week

This week's Student of the Week
Triston Niblick

If you could be any animal what would you be? 
A dog
What sports do you play? 
Football, Basketball, Baseball
What do you want to do after high school?
 A history teacher
What Collage do you want to go to? 
Ivy tech or IPFW
Do you have any advice for underclassmen? 
Do your homework and respect your teachers

Thursday, October 9, 2014

JV Football Fall in Heartbreak Loss Against Adams Central

     The JV Raiders fell to Adams Central, 36-30 Monday night at Carnes Field. The Raiders kicked off to start the game, with the Jets responding with a fast score, including the extra point, making the score 7-0. Raiders responded fast, with a 34 yard run by Kane Moore, but missing the two point conversion. The score stood at 7-6. The Jets reacted to the situation with a long drive, but fumbling on the 5 yard line, just short of the endzone. Raiders recovered, and two plays later, Kane Moore tacked on a long 92 yard score, but still unable to convert the two points. Raiders took the lead, 12-7. Jets ended the half with another score and a two point conversion, taking back the lead 15-12. Raiders got the ball to start the second half. They marched down again, setting up a 45 yard score by Cameron Cook. Jets fumbled inside their redzone again the assuming drive, which set up for a 63 yard catch and score by Zach Biddle from Cook, but still unable to make the two point, making the score 24-15. In the following drive, AC scored again, but failing to convert, leaving the Raiders up, 24-21. But Raiders were forced to punt in the next drive, and the Jets got possession in Raider territory. Not needing much, they scored again, taking the lead, 27-24. with two minutes left, Raiders started their next drive, hoping for another chance to score. They did just that in three plays, with Kane Moore running another long score, this time for 80 yards. Raiders thought they had sealed a 30-27 victory, but, with about a minute and thirty seconds left, AC got the ball back, and scored with less than twenty seconds, and converted the two point conversion. The Raiders failed to score again, and the game ended, with AC on top. Russell Plumier was awarded Overall Player of the Game, Moore was awarded Offensive Player of the Game, and Cook awarded Defensive Player of the Game. The JV Raiders are in action in two weeks on Monday, October 27.

Scoring Summary

First QuarterSWHSACHS
TD11 Yd Run (Kick)07
TDKane Moore 34 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion)67
Second QuarterSWHSACHS
TDKane Moore 92 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion)127
TD46 Yd Run (Two-Point Conversion)1215
Third QuarterSWHSACHS
TDCameron Cook 45 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion)1815
TDZach Biddle 63 Yd Pass From Cameron Cook(Failed Two-Point Conversion)2415
Fourth QuarterSWHSACHS
TD14 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion)2421
TD13 Yd Run (Kick No Good)2427
TDKane Moore 80 Yd Run (Failed Two-Point Conversion)3027
TD4 Yd Run (Two-Point Conversion)3035

Team Totals

Total Plays2658
Total Yards396349
Passing Yards7031
Rushing Yards326318
First Downs919
Third Down Efficiency2-4 
Fourth Down Efficiency3-4 
Fumbles Lost2
Interceptions Thrown

Choir.....Just Sing Fall Concert!!!!!

October 6 Southern Wells held their annual Fall Concert. It was put on by the Jr. High Band and Choir, and High School Band, and Choir.

The Jr. High Choir began with Standing in the Light of Love. Then moved onto Stuck Like Glue by Sugar land. Finally they finished their set with Eye of the Tiger soloist Mallory Aker sung loud and proud. The Jr. High choir is made up of 13 members 3 guys and 10 girls.
The Jr. High Band played On Top of Old Smokey, American Folk Tune Adventure, and ended with Jefferson County Overture. The band is made up or 18 students.

Jr.High Choir-Jessica Runkle,Taylor Roupp, Jersey Casterline, Mallory Aker, Grace Dunmoyer, Kendra Barr, Sarah Bothast, Nickole Billington, Josie Catterson, Abi Enochs, Jesse Turner, Alex Roberts,and Ben Schomber.
Band- Nickole Billington, Josie Catterson,Morgan Taylor, Joe McElhaney, Tristan Westlund, Michael Parks, Mason Taylor, Cole Meeks, Mark Geisel, Xavier Booher, Vaughn Drennen, Ben Schomber, Colin Sackett,Jared Neireiter, Raigan Hakison, Jay Garrett, Jesse Turner,and Nicole Beeks.

After the Jr. High the High School Choir took the stage. The choir started with Alice's Theme and that was quiet an experience. Then the choir finished with Higher Love. Their was a quartet made up of Sarah Booher, Isaac Stults, Jami Ballenger, and Jamie Howell. All the crowd got a KICK out of Mr. Haigh when he decided to dance to try to make us smile. The High School Band played The Avengers, Born to Be Wild, and Hawaii Five-O.

Choir- Braden Badders, Brandon White, Jami Ballenger, Sam Williams, Sarah Booher, Ian Abney, Jason Connett, Matt Geisel, Abby Gregg, Kayleigh Hopkins, Emily Howell, Jamie Howell, Haley Howell, Sarah Kline, Mackenzie Maloney, Aaron Smith, Chantel Smith Issac Stults, Cheyenne Lykins, Kyra Catterson, Mickayla Culbertson, Hayley Grover, Cassandra Jarrett, Taylor Lykins, Kayla Neuenschwander, Brittany Tudor, Jordan Wygant, Brooke Gephart, Lillie Hook, Jasmine Lichtenberger, Codie O'Neal, Kelli Roush, and Alexis Lyons.

Pictures by Braden Badders