Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Little Miss Sunshines

Monday night, the Sunshine Club had their end of the year banquet. Through out the year the Ideal Ladies communicate with the Sunshine girls without knowing who the Sunshine girls are. At the banquet the Ideal Ladies finally met their Little Miss Sunshines. The Ideal Ladies don't know their Sunshine girls until the end of the year. An Ideal Lady is an older woman who the Sunshine Girls look up to. The Ideal Ladies can range from people who are in the school system to ladies that are in the community. At the banquet the new officers were revealed. The president is Megan Fiechter, vice president is Michaela Smith, and the secretary is Rachel Harvey.

Raiders Golf Gets Two More Wins

The Raider golf team competed in the South Adams Invitational on Saturday. The Raiders took Cam Lightle, Tristen Hanauer, Tanner Thompson, John Gearheart, and Damion Watters as the alternate. The Raiders golfed decent for the rain that happened during the match. Tristen Hanauer and John Gearheart golfed a 107, Cam Lightle shot a 112, and Tanner Thompson shot a 120. These four scores picked up the team two more wins on the season. The Raiders now have three wins on the season and look to pick up another Tuesday night. The match is a four way at Heritage.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Raiders vs the Knights

Last Friday, the JV Lady Raiders took on the JV Lady Knights. The Raiders tried some new pitchers. Huston Lovell and Jessica Yencer pitched after the Raider's main pitcher, Courtney Lemler,  struggled from pitching the whole game the day before. The Raiders struggled with making clean plays. The knights hit the ball really well, on the other hand, the JV Raiders didn't hit the ball very well at all. The final score was 18 to 5.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lady Raiders Fall to the Jets

On Thursday night, the Lady Raiders Softball team took on the Adam Central Flying Jets. This game was the Raiders second conference appearance. The game was the third game at home for the team. The Raiders took the field in the first inning and the Jets scored 4 runs on 3 hits. In the second inning the Jets scored 3 runs on two hits. The Raiders defense kicked in during the 3rd inning and the Jets went scoreless until the 4th inning scoring 3 runs. The Raiders had a total of three hits by Seniors Bailey Kohr, Meghan Yencer, and Junior Sydnee Jones. The Raiders lost to the Adam Central Jets 10-0. The Lady Raiders will be back in action on Friday taking on Anderson Prep Academy. The next home game for the Raiders will be on April 30th against the Heritage Patriots.

Jv Softball Game

Last night the Jv softball team traveled to Adam's County to play Adam's Central.  Courtney Lemler was on the mound pitching for the Lady Raiders, she pitched all 7 innings of the game.  She allowed 9 runs, but the Lady Raiders scored 5 runs in return.  They hit the ball well, having lots of hits throughout the game. Danielle Kratzer had a couple good hits throughout the game, along with Megan Johnson, and Courtney Lemler had a triple. The Lady Raiders lost the game 9-5. The Jv team will be back in action tonight against Norwell.

Raiders Golf gets a Win

Thursday night the Raiders traveled to Adams Central's home course. The Raiders played against Southwood and Adams Central. Southwood being a pretty tough team topped the Raiders. The second opponent Adams Central was a much better match for the Raiders. The Raiders kept a 58 (Tristen Hanauer),59 (Cam Lightle),61 (Tanner Thompson), and a 67 (John Gearheart). The Raiders defeated AC by 16 strokes. The Raiders will travel to the South Adams invitational this saturday.

Student of The Week

English allows this weeks student of the week to express herself in a creative way. As you can probably tell, our new Student of the Week is Erin Taylor. Albeit her favorite subject is english, her favorite teacher is Mr. Oleson! When asked about how she feels about going to school in a circle Erin said that,  "The circle thing has always been weird to me, especially when I first came here. I kept walking into walls but now I walk tilted all the time." Erin's middle name is Michelle. She also has always wanted to go to Kenya, Africa to help the people there. "It has always been my dream to go on a missions trip there since I was young", she told me. Once Erin grows up she plans on being a nature photographer. If Erin could be any animal at all she would be a tiger. Her favorite food is sweet and sour chicken, and with regards to the most controversial sandwich name known to man, in her opinion it shall forever be known as the Cheese Toasty. For a celebrity crush, Erin has Jensen Ackles. Some of Erin's favorite things to do are drawing, watching supernatural, and sleeping! She finds the mini cooper tiny and adorable, that is why it takes the position of favorite car to her. Erin's favorite type of music is metal, and her favorite band is a very popular one right now, Fall Out Boy.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

World's Fair

In the elementary, each grade has been working very hard on their projects for the World's Fair. Each grade was given a country, and they gave a display explaining cultures in that specific country. Countries involved were America, China, Mexico, Italy, Jamaica, Australia, and Switzerland.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Senior night meet

On Tuesday, Adams Central and Heritage came to Southern Wells for the Raiders' last home meet of the season. The seniors were honored after the 4x800 meter relay. Seniors this year are: Jared McIntire, Ethan Smith, Jacob Stout, Jake Roush, Daniel Beeks, and Meghan Yencer. McIntire is the only 4 year letter winner. The girls won the meet, and the boys placed second.

SW Golf

These past two weeks have been a very bad start for the SW golf team the 3 and 4 have yet to golf under a 70 in either of the matches. The season is going to be a very long one for the Raiders if they can't pull it together and start golfing at least respectable scores. The Raiders have a match Thursday and Saturday. Be sure to come out and support your schools golfers!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Race

Friday after school Mr. Burman and Grant Harris raced each other in a 100 meter dash. The loser had to read a paragraph that the other person had to read. Watch to see if the 27 year old man could beat the 270 pound kid.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Raiders Face the Raiders

On Saturday the eighteenth, the Southern Wells Raiders played the Wapahani Raiders in a double header for girls softball. The first game went to 7 innings. The Wapahani Raiders racked up 14 points in the first two innings. The SW Raiders scored a run the fourth inning, then to keep the game going they scored four runs in the fifth inning. In the sixth inning the SW Raiders scored one more run, while the W Raiders didn't score at all. Finally, in the seventh inning the W Raiders scored three more runs making the final score 17 to 6.
The second game only went to six innings. The W Raiders in the second game just had the bats going and had very good base runners. The SW Raiders just hit to the W Raiders, the W Raiders made plays. The final score was 15 to 4. Overall it was a good day of softball.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Teacher of the Week: Mr Burman

Favorite Color and Number: Blue, 24

Favorite Food: Quesadillas

Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad

Favorite Kind of Music: Dave Matthews Band

Favorite Movie: Tommy Boy

Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby

Hobbies: Reading, fishing, skiing, golf, hanging out with my family

Hometown: Noblesville, IN

Cool Facts: "There are no cool facts about you."-Multiple students

Education: Graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School in 2006 and Purdue in 2010

Jobs: I have worked in a hospital cafeteria, waited tables at Bob Evans, worked at a youth sports camp, and sold cars.

What do you like about Southern Wells? I love how supportive the community is. The people of Southern Wells respect hard work and will do anything to help others out.

What is your favorite part of your job? I love getting to know kids and joke around with them. I also like to watch students grow as people through the years.

If you were animal, what would you be? Wolverine

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie? Grilled Cheese

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job? I had a kid pass out while giving a presentation and the whole class thought it was part of his presentation.

If you stranded on an island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
I would bring my wife and child, A knife,

Lady Raiders Take on the Bruins

On Friday the tenth, the Lady Raiders finally got to play their first game. The bruins were a deep team with nice hitters and good fielders. The Raiders on the other hand struggled a little at bat, but had some solid hits. During the game the Raiders struggled to get the third out and the Bruins took advantage of the situation. The Raiders fell to the Bruins 4 to 20.

Raider Baseball falls to Starfires

The Southern Wells Raiders traveled to South Adams on Monday to try to get their first win. Sophomore Evan Huffman got his 2nd start on the mound, but suffered the 6-4 loss. Cameron Cook came in to close the game in first relief. The raiders struggled to bring in the runners, leaving 9 of them stranded on base. This is just on of the four games that the Raiders have this week. The Raiders played a very clean defensive game, but could not find a way to score the runners on the offensive side. The raiders have two more games this week, and hope to find a way to get their first win.

Rival Track meet

On Tuesday, Bluffton traveled here for a normal two team Track meet. The Lady Raiders got a win on the night but the boys fell short. For the girls, Sarah Kline won the 100 meter dash, Long Jump, and the 400 meter dash. Lindsay Aker won the 100 meter hurdles, Lori Pluimer won the Shot Put, Jaimie Howell won the 200 meter dash, Arrrianne Moore won Discus, Meghan Yencer won the 2 mile, and the girls won the 4x800. For the guys, Grant Harris won the Discus, Keaton Coleman won the Shot Put and the High Jump, and Kane Moore won the 200 meter dash.

Raider Baseball Defeats Eastbrook

Cody Bass led the way on the hill for the Raiders Wednesday night at Eastbrook. The Raiders were looking for a pitcher who could answer the call and throw strikes, and they may have found him. Cody Bass making his first varsity start, could not have had a better first three innings, having a no hitter through three, than Eastbrook finally got a hit. With the end score being 13-9 the Raiders came out on top Wednesday night. The Raiders bats also woke up, as they scored more runs than they have all year. The Raiders will travel to Blackford tonight to finish up a long week of traveling.

The Race

Today after school there will be the race of a lifetime, you can't miss it.  The boring school teacher Ben Burman, against the man, the state qualifier, thee Grant Harris. At 3:10 Grant and Burms will be racing in a 100 meter race. Make sure you make it out to the track after school, and watch this race.  You don't want to miss it.

Student of The Week

Its about that time for a Student of The Week! This time around, Sabrina Miller has been chosen. Sabrina has not just one, but three favorite teachers. Those teachers are Mrs. Hunter, Mr. Fouts, and Mrs. Hanauer. While we are on the subject of stuff about school, her favorite subject is math because she is good at it, and she likes going to school in a circle because you can't get lost. When Sabrina grows up she wants to be an EMT. With regards to the most controversial sandwich name in history, to her, it is a cheese toasty, it just so happens to be that her favorite food is her mom's spaghetti. If Sabrina could be any animal, she would be a dog so she could have a loving family to spend time with every day.  Florida is a destination for many, and it just so happens to be a destination for Sabrina as well because she would go there if she could go anywhere.
In her spare time, Sabrina likes to be outside a lot, go mudding, and help others if they need it. Her favorite music is country and her favorite artists are Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, and Rascal Flatts. It just so happens to be that her celebrity crush Luke Bryan is also one of her favorite artists. Sabrina's middle name is Ann, and her favorite vehicle is the 1952 Ford F1 truck because old cars and trucks remind her of her grandpa.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Raider Softball Falls to The Starfires

On Monday night, the Raider Softball team took on the South Adams Starfires in their fourth game and first conference game of the season. To start the game, Freshman Markie Price started the game pitching for the Raiders. She gave up 8 runs on 7 hits, she also had 3 walks with 2 strikeouts. Senior Brooke Kratzer came in at the bottom of the third inning to finish the game. She gave up 1 run on three hits. Kratzer had 3 walks. The Raiders had a slow start with hitting. The Raiders had nine hits total all in the 6th and 7th inning. Bree Penrod had 2 hits and a RBI, Senior Lela Knowles had a single, Savannah Ocasio had two singles, Markie Price had one single, Senior Savannah DeaKyne had one double, and Senior Meghan Yencer had a single with 2 RBIs. The Raiders fell to the Starfires 9-4.

JV Lady Raiders Have a Tough Loss Against the Indians

Last night, the JV played their first softball game. The Raiders started off with a first time ever pitcher and catcher. The Raiders struggled in the first inning. They had some good plays and hits, but not enough to win. The JV Raiders lost 20 to 2.

Raiders lose to the Braves

The Raiders traveled to Fort Wayne to play Blackhawk Christian on Tuesday night. Both teams came out and earned a run in the first inning. After that the Raiders were outscored in 4 out of the 6 remaining innings. The Raiders ended up falling to the Braves by a final score of 14-5. The Raiders ended the night with 8 hits. Junior Jacey Dunnuck led the team in hits with 3, Dunnuck also connected for the Raiders first home run of the season. Jacey ended the night with a .750 batting average for the game. Brad Woodward had a pair of hits for himself as he hit .500 for the night. Triston Niblick was the losing pitcher for the Raiders.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bailey's Book of the Week!!

This weeks book was When Dad Killed Mom by Julius Lester. One review from The Bulletin said that "Readers will be caught up by the fast flowing current of emotion, events, and revelations." This review is very accurate, I was so caught up in this book I could picture it in my head.  The story is told from the viewpoint of the children Jenna and Jeremy. At first Jenna is telling her side of the story and she is on her dads side even though he killed her mom. Jeremy on the other hand is on his moms side and thinks that his dad is a monster. The kids are in school when they hear the awful news about their mother. They go and live with their mothers best friend as the investigation and trial of their dad is going on. Over the months that the trial and investigation are taking place family secrets from the past are being dug up. Secrets about their dad and his ex-wife, secrets about their grandpa, and why his relationship with their dad went sour. This book is a cliff-hanging, drama filled, has you on the edge of your seat, mystery/thriller book. I definitely give this book a five out of five star rating.

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Best Days of Our Lives

With the coming back from Spring Break, the last couple months of school fly by. Not going to lie, I'm ready for something new. I have loved my time here at the good ole Southern Wells High School, but all good things must come to an end. All I have heard for the past couple weeks is, "Ugh, Senoritis is so real." I believe every bit of this. It has honestly been a struggle to do my homework or anything that has to do with school. I dread coming to school every morning. Having said that, I don't want to be anywhere else. High school is a very important time in our lives. Here lately, I have been told by several people that these high school days are the best days of our lives. I really hope those people are wrong. With becoming older, we will gain more responsibilities and become educated adults. Right now, we need to take in these "last" moments. We have had our last Friday night football games at Carnes Field and our last games in the Raider Dome. We need to make sure we make the most of everything we do. I believe that our senior days will not be the best days of our lives. However, nothing after this will be the same. Go to everything you can, talk to the kid you used to be best friends with in elementary school that you don't talk to anymore, work hard on that presentation. Do your best in everything because here in the next few months, nothing will be the same.

Raider Baseball Falls To Oak Hill

The Southern Wells Raiders had their home opener on Monday. The Raiders got out to an early lead, but could not hold on to it. Although the Raiders home opener did not go as they wanted it to, they saw early improvements to this season. With it being the second game of the year the raiders plan to keep improving with the many games left in the season. Senior Triston Niblick had the start followed by relievers, Cody Bass, and Jacey Dunnuck. Southern Wells will be in action Wednesday against the Norwell Knights.

Weird day for Track at Eastbrook

On Thursday, the Raiders traveled to Eastbrook, but not for a normal Track meet. There was no shot put or discus events because the rings were "flooded." When we arrived there, we saw for ourselves that the rings weren't really wet at all. Taking away the throwing events took away 26 points we would've had. Also, Eastbrook has pole vault, which gave them even more points. We did not count this as an actual meet because of the shot put and discus not being thrown.

NCAA Women's Basketball Championship

The game was between The Uconn Huskies vs Notre Dame for the second straight year in a row. This year though both teams are not undefeated. Now as you may know Notre Dame lost 79 - 58 to Uconn Huskies for the to finish 40 and 0 on the season. This year both teams combined only had three losses. Uconn was going for three in a row and 5 out of the last seven. Notre Dame has been in the championship four out of the l5 years. Now this is a brief history on the two teams now it time to talk about the game's result. Uconn won by a final score of 63 to 53 it was a good game throughout but Notre Dame could not close the gap. This gave Uconn it's 10 championship and Uconn coach Geno Auriemma his 10. The only other two with 10 titles as a coach in a major sport is Phi Jackson and John Wooden. Next year one of Uconn players will be going for four in a row championship and final four outstanding player of year. Notre dame best player is leaving for the WNBA. Her name is Jewell Loyd she was a junior. Now for next year I think Uconn will win again and Notre dame will get to the elite eight and lose.

Grant Harris' Journey Back to State

Grant Harris now a junior at Southern Wells is starting his third year on the track team. Grant is returning from his very impressive sophomore season where he finished 7th place in the state for discus. Last season Grant was an All State thrower, and first team all conference, and Sectional and Regional champion. Grant is planning on making back to state this year and looking to place better than he did last year. With already having the Southern Wells High School record Grant is just aiming for beating his own. Grant and his main throwing partner Keaton Coleman plan on getting first and second place in shot-put all season long. Keaton's goal in to join Grant at the 2015 state finals for high jump and for shot-put.

Student of The Week

Its about that time again this week, so its time for a new Student of The Week! Junk, Emilee Junk. She is our student of the week for this awesome week in April. Emilee's favorite teacher is Mr. Burman and her favorite subject is English because she likes to write and express her feelings. I asked her how she felt about going to school in a circle she said, " I feel once I leave Southern Wells I will never be able to walk in a straight line again because I am so used to walking in a circle to all my classes." After some further education, Emilee wants to be a marketing director and work in a large city like New York! Some other information about Emilee Her middle name is Ann, her celebrity crush is no other than the late Paul Walker, and if she could be any animal she would be a bird because it would be so cool to fly! Emilee's favorite type of food is Italian and to her, on the most controversial sandwich known to mankind, its name is a cheese toasty! If Emilee could go anywhere, she would go to Bora Bora for its beautiful landscape and warm temperatures. In her free time Emilee likes to go shopping, hanging out with her friends, and then in the summers going to lakes. When it comes to cars, Emilee has fast tastes considering her favorite car is of the McLaren because she was able to ride in one last summer. Lastly Emilee's favorite type of music would either have to be country or rap she says, and right now her favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar.

Wisconsin Vs Duke

Monday night the college men's national championship took place.  The game took place in Indianapolis, at Lucas Oil Stadium.  The final game was between Wisconsin and Duke.  Wisconsin was coming off the huge win over the undefeated Kentucky Wildcats.  Duke coming off a huge win also beating Michigan State by an easy 20 points. The Wisconsin Badgers were the favorite heading into the game, because they had such a good tournament, and great season.  The Duke Blue Devils were also coming off a very good tournament and season. Frank Kaminsky and Jahlil Okafor started the with the tip.  Throughout the first half the game was back and fourth both teams having the spurts and runs.  Frank Kaminsky had a great first half getting Duke's best player Okafor in foul trouble.  With little playing time though, Tyus Jones, a freshman for Duke, stepped up big time.  The game was all tied up at halftime with a score of 31-31.  To start off the second half Wisconsin went up to as many as 8 at one point.  Getting Okafor in foul trouble was a huge part of why Wisconsin had such a successful time scoring inside with Kaminsky.  Like usual though Duke came back with their run to tie up the game once again.  Tyus Jones came up huge though with 19 points in the second half to take the lead.  Down the stretch though Duke's high powered offense was just too much for the Badgers of Wisconsin.  Tyus Jones named player of the game finishing with 23 points. Wisconsin's leading scorer for the game was Frank Kaminsky ending up with 21 points, and 12 rebounds.  The final score would end up being 68-63. Duke won it's fifth national championship.  Both teams had great seasons, and both are expected to have great seasons next year as well.

Golf Preview

This years golf team & staff are looking quite astounding, probably the best looking team to come through this school. With the Cam Lightle and Tristen Hanauer golfing at 1 and 2, and the juniors John Gearheart and Tanner Thompson golfing the 3 and 4! We also have Ben Shaffer and Damion Watters facing off for the 5 spot and Blake Dollier in the Novice position. The staff for this years team is just impeccable the newcomer Ben Burman who is playing a huge role for the team this year as a reminder to strive for greatness so you don't end up as bad as him. And as always the veteran Charles Harris aka Ez Harris is really just molding the team into a state contender, with his help there is no doubt that this years team will be the best ever. And we cant forget about the man in charge, Ross Palmer, its been rumored that before Ross began his teaching career he had a very bright future in golf, some went as far as saying he could have won the PGA tour in his prime, but Ross ended up taking the more challenging road and is now a 5th grade teacher. We will be sure to keep you posted on how this years team does when they kick off the season next week with a BIG match against Mississinewa on Thursday!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Student of The Week

     Now that everyone has returned from spring break it is time for another student of the week! Student of the week for the week following spring break is Hope acuna! When Hope comes to school her favorite subject is history for many reasons. She also does not have just one favorite teacher, she likes all her teacher the same! When asked about how she felt about going to school in a circle, she felt indifferent. Hope wants to go on to be a child psychologist after high school and inevitably some college. Elise is Hope's middle name, and she does not really have a celebrity crush, because she believes there are none worth crushing over right now. When asked if she could go anywhere and why she said," If i could go anywhere it would be Austrailia, because kangaroos." Kangaroos are really cool, however hope considers a cat or a kitty as she phrased it as the animal she would be if she could be an animal. Hope's favorite meal is pizza, and to her the name of the highly controversial sandwhich is a "grilled cheese". Some of her favorite things to do in her free time are painting, writing and spending time with her friends. Hope's favorite type of car is a "working" one. When asked about her favorite type of music, she says she likes a lot of different types leaning more towards the eclectic side of things, but she despises country. Right now her favorite band is Real Friends, she says they are brilliant!