Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Many of us already know this. Eventually tomorrow morning, people will get up early just to begin to cook all day long. This seems like a very daunting task, and it is. In the chaos of all the traveling, preparing, and cooking we often fail to stop, take a step back, and take the 10,000 foot high view of thanksgiving. The reason for this holiday is in the name of it! Thanksgiving. To me Thanksgiving means that there are thanks to be given. Everyone has heard the saying "count your blessings", for me the saying means more so "remember the things you are thankful for". Each and every one of us will have something that they think of that they are thankful for while they read this post, and for me it is my dad. Tomorrow will be my second Thanksgiving meal without my father. Many of the teachers and students at southern wells know that my dad died early in the morning last Thanksgiving. As hard as it will be for me to enjoy my thanksgiving without him, I ,like I hope every one will, will stop to analyze and think about what you are truly thankful for. Now, I say truly thankful because we have all done these kinds of activities in school around Thanksgiving writing down what we are thankful for, but I know that not everybody takes it seriously, and often takes it for granted. I know that because I used to. I am thankful for the 17 years of my fathers life that he shared with me, and that he always worked his hardest to make ends meet so that we would live semi comfortably. We all have something, heck multiple things that we are thankful for, or at least should be thankful for. This Thanksgiving when you sit down to eat, if you say grace, or even if you don't "count your blessings" and think about what you are truly thankful for. Whether it be a roof over your head, or the nice new car mom and dad bought you, we all have something that we should be thankful for.

What Southern Wells is Thankful For

In honor of Thanksgiving, this week we decided to go around to students and teachers and ask what they are thankful for. These are just a few reasons that people are thankful during this time of Thanksgiving. From the S-Dub Hub we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Best Friday Sales

Everybody loves getting stuffed on Thanksgiving, only to turn around the next morning and go Black Friday shopping. Some of us may be the crazy ones that get up at midnight and go or you may be one that gets up around six am to go or maybe you don't go - if that's the case, then this post doesn't concern you, but continue reading- if you are either of those people then this post will educate you on helpful sales.
On Thanksgiving night from 6 to 7 pm Walmart is having an hour sale that guarantees anybody that makes the purchases whether they are in stock or not. Some of the items are: iPad Mini 16GB w/ Wi-Fi + $30 Walmart Gift Card for $199.00, 50-inch 1080p 60Hz LED HDTV for $218.00, Vizio 65-inch 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV for $648.00, XBox One Halo: The Master Chief Collection Bundle + $30 Walmart Gift Card for $329.00. If you're a Frozen fan than you can get Disney Frozen 12-in. Bike by Huffy - Girls Now $89.99, at Kohl's. For more Black Friday Ads check out

Lady Raiders Battle Against The Apaches

This past Saturday, the Lady Raiders took on the fifth ranked team in two A, the Wabash Apaches. The ladies on both teams were very aggressive throughout the entire game. The ladies of each team were constantly in foul trouble. Several technical fouls were called on Wabash and changed the momentum of the game. The Raiders took the lead going into halftime. After halftime, both teams fought to gain the lead. Each worked very hard and wanted to win. The Raiders had two players foul out in the last quarter of the game. The Lady Raiders ended up losing by seven points. The Raiders fought until the end and should hold their heads high.

The Raiders will take on the Elwood Panthers at the Raider Dome on Tuesday, November 25th. JV tip is at 6 pm.

Monday, November 24, 2014

B.A.D. Pinterest

The B.A.D. Boys are taking the week off to celebrate Thanksgiving. For the next three weeks they will be doing Christmas themed Pinterest activities. they still don't know what we will be doing. Last week the crew decorated cupcakes. The results were suprising. I swear that we are not making this up, but Drew won this week, followed by Austin, and for the first time this year, Blake came in last. Thanks to everyone who voted and tune in next week.

John Gearheart: Student of the Week

1.) Which do you prefer books or movies? 
"I like to go get a good book, roll up in a snuggie, turn the lights down, and get a little weird."

2.) Whats your favorite subject and why? 
"I'm a huge Media nerd I like to just ya know interview people and what not."

3.) Who is your favorite teacher and why? 
"Mr. Oleson he's basically the funniest person I've ever met in my life."

4.) How do you feel about going to school in a circle? 
"I hate it. I run into corners all the time."

5.) On Monday do you wear jeans or sweats? 
"Honestly I'm more of an show up in my underwear type guy, but that is frowned upon in this establishment."

6.) What's your middle name? 
"John Austin Gearheart"

7.) If you could go anywhere, where would it be and why? 
"Switzerland, because I like Swiss cheese."

8.) Who's your celebrity crush? 
"Cristiano Ronaldo, hes a babe."

9.) Cheese Toastie or Grilled Cheese? 
"Cheese Toastie all the way"

10.) If you could be an animal, what would it be? 
"An ostrich because they are scary"

Boys Basketball Preview

The boys basketball teams have been practicing hard for two weeks. The Raiders have a new coaching staff led by new coach Ben Burman as the head varsity coach, followed by Kreig Oswalt as the varsity assistant, and Kyle Penrod as the junior varsity coach. When asked Coach Burman's highest goal for the season is to "get better every day." The Raiders have 13 returning players coming back this season. When asked senior Triston Niblick about his highest goal on the season he responded with " I would really like to beat Norwell on their own court." The Raiders are ready for the season and are hoping to prove many people wrong about them. The Raiders take on North Miami Warriors at Southern Wells this Saturday, varsity tip off at 7:30.

Southern Wells Boys Basketball

Friday, November 21, 2014

Student of the Week, Evan Huffman

Favorite teacher and why?
Mr. Kinder because he made class fun

Favorite Class and Why
Weights because its fun and easy

Grilled Cheese or Cheese Toastie
Cheese Toastie

Favorite Memory?
When Rockwell danced to Rap God before a basketball game

Favorite Cartoon and why?
Bugs Bunny because he cracks me up

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Baseball player/coach

What do you like to do outside of school?
Play baseball and hanging out with friends.

Lady Raiders Make Improvements

On Tuesday, the Lady Raiders took on the Blackford Lady Bruins at the home opener in the Raider Dome. Last year, the ladies beat the Bruins in a battle to the end. The Raiders knew it would be a fight and they had time to prepare for a great game. The game on Tuesday was back and forth the entire game. The score was tied at halftime at 18. Both teams came out the second half fighting and clawing for a win. In the end, the Raiders lost 44-41.

The Raiders will take on the Wabash Apaches on Saturday. JV game will tip at 6:00 p.m. Come on out to the Raider Dome to watch your Lady Raiders!

snow - friend or foe?

We all know what time it is! It's turning into winter early this year. How do we know this? Consecutively at the beginning of this week, the high end of the temperature for the day would not exceed, or even get close to freezing which is a chilly very cold 32 degrees. Starting this week off with a two hour delay on both Monday and Tuesday and "false" cancellation on Monday, we know there is something stirring in the pot for this winter. The bigger thing is we have already have had a decent amount of snow so far, considering it does not even generally snow around this time of year around here. How much snow do you think we will get this year, 20, 30, 40, 50 inches? Maybe 70, who knows right? After all Buffalo, NY is under 70 inches of snow, and 7 people have died from it. A better question is are we even prepared for a winter that can be this bad. Right now I think the answer is I do not know. I say that because until we start getting the amount of snow we will be getting if it is a bad winter, we will not know how we can handle it until then. All we can do for now is just stay bundled up and stay warm.

The Voice!!

This week was week 2 of the live shows and things seem to just now start to kick of with performances like Ryan Sill with "More Than Words" and Jessie Pitts singing "Gravity". Two contestants will be kicked off the show each week from here on out, be sure to tune in each week on Monday and Tuesday at 8/7 central!!!
Or visit their website HERE!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

B.A.D Pinterest Episode 4

The boys are back at it this week in the 4th installment of B.A.D. Pinterest. This week they are attempting their first food related challenge, decorating cupcakes. With Thanksgiving coming up, there's no better way to celebrate it than to make turkey cupcakes! This week's challenge is a little easier than last week's very difficult dollar bill elephant origami. The final results of the voting saw Austin run away with the voting taking in 30 total. Second was Blake with 6 votes, followed by Drew with 3 votes. The updated season standings see Blake atop with 11, Austin with 7, and Drew with a close 6.

Teacher of the Week!!!


Tell us about yourself! (ie. Birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies, et

I have been married for almost 28 years.  I have 3 biological kids, 2 adopted daughters, and countless others as students.  Every year in September, the city of Bluffton throws me a birthday party complete with parades and elephant ears!  They call it the Bluffton Street Fair.

What do you like about Southern Wells?

I never get lost in the circle (probably because my class isn’t there)

What is your favorite part of your job?

Working with the Staff and Students here at Southern Wells.  I love people!!

If you were animal, what would you be?

I would have to be some breed of dog, because I am loyal.  I am also easily distracted by the “squirrels” of life.

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?

Grilled Cheese because cheese is too hard to clean out of the toaster!

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?

My pants split out in the back.  A former Superintendent, sent me home to change around lunch time.  I still have no idea when they split open during the day.  How many people chose not to tell me.

If you stranded on an island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?

My phone, ipad, and laptop!!  It doesn’t matter that there would be no WiFi.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lady Raiders Fall to the Panthers

On Saturday, the Lady Raider basketball team took on the Eastbrook Panthers in the season opener. When asked her feelings going into Saturday's game, Senior Emilee Junk said, " I felt confident that we knew what had to be done since we had prepared to take on the Panthers the week before." The team knew the game would be a challenge and that they would have to play their absolute best to have a shot at winning. Eastbrook is the defending MIC conference champion for two years running. Sadly, the Raiders were defeated 61-38. Despite the loss, Senior Lela Knowles has a positive outlook toward the rest of the season. She said, "We now know what we need to do to improve. We need to learn how to play together as a team and to come together. We need to speak positively to one another and not tear each other down. We had a rough start, but we will come back stronger and better than before."

Come out on Tuesday, November 18th to see your Lady Raiders take on the Blackford Bruins. The game will take place at the Raiderdome, JV starting at 6:00 pm.

Friday, November 14, 2014


     There has been a lot of hoopla about how close it is to Christmas, and in almost every classroom there is a countdown. I am here to inform you that everyone needs to CALM DOWN about Christmas this early. Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet, and people are already putting up Christmas Decorations. Just the other day I was at work taking out the trash to the dumpster, and it was dark out. It was dark out, and as I approached the dumpster I could see in a house near by that there were lights stringed up to look like a tree. They had already put up some Christmas lights two weeks BEFORE Thanksgiving. This is getting ridiculous that people are starting to celebrate Christmas this early. Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays when it comes to the history of our nation. Without the help from Native Americans the Pilgrims wouldn't have survived, greatly altering the life that we now have. So just remember that Christmas is in December and Thanksgiving is a time of year that you are supposed to give thanks for the great things that you have and enjoy in life today.

Student of the Week

The student of the week, this week is Fletcher Sabinske. Fletcher is a 8th grader who enjoys movies over books, U.S. History. His favorite super-hero is Matter-eater-lad. Fletcher is the type of guy who wears jeans on Mondays and would love to be an electrician when he grows up. His celebrity crush is Ariana Grande. If he could go any where it'd be Holiday World because there is free refills and free soft drinks throughout it. The school being a circle does not bother him. Now you know more about Fletcher Matthew Sabinske. 

B.A.D. Pinterest Episode 3

This week on B.A.D. Pinterest the Three Amigos are attempting the Japanese art of Origami. The task is to fold a dollar bill and make an elephant. There was initially a 20 minute time limit, but that wasn't enough time to properly construct an elephant. This was arguably the hardest thing we have done so far on B.A.D. Pinterest. Last week we saw Blake winning the distance contest with Drew, with some controversy, coming in 2nd with Austin coming in Last. The accuracy part was once again won by Blake, followed by Austin, with Drew coming in last place. After watching the video cast your ballots and vote for who think had the most accurate looking elephant. If you want to try your hand at making an elephant out of a dollar bill, CLICK HERE for the link we used during filming.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Teacher of the Week


Tell us about yourself! (ie. Birthday, family, previous jobs, hobbies, et

My birthday is January 12th.

I have been married for 11 years to Forrest. We have two children. Payton is our biological daughter; she is 10 and attends SWES. Vannessa is our adopted daughter; she is 18 and attends Ball State. Also a part of our family is our dog, Swayzee Grey and our cat, Sammy Baker Davis, Jr.

I formerly worked as a medical office manager of 5 different offices in the Indianapolis area before attending Anderson University for education.

I enjoy playing and watching sports. Softball is my favorite sport, but volleyball is becoming very dear to me. I also love to travel. I take many trips every year. Of all the places I have visited, New York City is my favorite!

What do you like about Southern Wells?
There are several things I like about Southern Wells. I like the tight knit community. During my first year teaching here I felt very welcomed and accepted even though I consider myself to be a city girl. I also like that the students are respectful and easy to get along with.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of teaching is getting to form a bond with young adults. I literally get to go to work everyday and laugh and make connections with students that will hopefully last a life time. Not many people can say that.

If you were animal, what would you be?

If I were an animal I would definitely be a dog. The love their owners unconditionally and live very happy lives because of that.

Grilled Cheese or cheese toastie?

Grilled cheese. I didn’t even know cheese toastie was a thing until I came to Southern Wells.

What is the craziest thing that has happened to you on the job?
I honestly cannot think of anything crazy that has happened to me. I am usually the CRAZY in the room so take that into perspective.

If you stranded on an island, what 3 items would you bring with you and why?
I would bring a library of books, water and a casket because I have no survival skills.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veterans Day!!!!

On November 11th Southern Wells held their annual Veterans day program. Jacob Roush started the pledge at the begging. The HS choir sung the Star Spangled Banner. There were speeches about hoe November 11th came to be. The In harmony sang On Veterans Day. The JH and HS choir sang An American solider by Toby Keith. Josh Wagner came to the school and talked to the students about the Navy. After that the band played a song while a slide show was going on.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Raiders Fall Short At The Championship

The Raiders played South Adams Friday night for the sectional championship. The Raiders made some costly turnovers that ended up costing them the game. In the first half of the game South Adams completely dominated holding the Raiders to only 1 first down. The Raiders were unable to move the ball at all. At the half South Adams led 18-0. After halftime South Adams continued to hold the Raiders until Bryce Bonewit busted out a long touchdown run. Late in the fourth quarter the Stars led 14-7. The Raiders' Daniel Beeks was able to find the endzone one final time to finish off the game 31-14.

We would all like to thank the Seniors for four great seasons. All of them worked hard and gave it their all to get Southern Wells the win every week. Thank you for your hard work and dedication the last four years.

Stat Leaders

Bryce Bonewit- 38 yards

Gavin Barcus- 29 yards
Brad Woodward- 9 yards

Bryce Bonewit- 73 yards
Daniel Beeks- 52 yards
Jake Roush- 35 yards

Landon Cassiday- 28 tackles
Daniel Beeks- 9 tackles
Grant Harris- 8 tackles
Gavin Barcus- 8 tackles

Brad Woodward was given Defensive player of the year
Bryce Bonewit was given Offensive player of the year
Landon Cassiday was given Overall player of the year

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Spirit Fairy visits SW

Debating whether or not to go to the football game tonight?  Let the Spirit Fairy make up your mind for you!  One wave of her magic spirit wand and you will have Raider Fever.  Check out how she turned some regular, spiritless Joes into Carnes Crazy worthy fans!  The Hub and the Spirit Fairy hope to see everyone out at the game tonight.  Kick off is at 7 PM and no sports passes will be accepted.  Remember to dress in your best Raider Spirit attire!


B.A.D. Pinterest Episode 2

To follow up the widely popular series premiere of B.A.D. Pinterest, this week the guys have a new challenge. Catapults. The trio of Blake Zoda, Austin Rathbun, and Drew Rockwell use simple household items and try to make a catapult. Once they constructed their catapults within the 15 minute time frame, they then competed to see whose could shoot a small marshmallow the longest, and whose could be the most accurate. Last week's results saw Blake coming away with the win, receiving about 40% of the votes. There was a close finish between 2nd and 3rd place, but Rockwell did narrowly pull out the second place finish, and Austin finishing last. Once you combine those results with this weeks results, here are the current standings:

Blake- 9
Austin- 4
Drew- 5

Raider's Off To The Championship

On Friday night the Raiders traveled to Southwood to play the Warriors. The Raiders came out very hot and completely dominated the whole game. The Raiders took an early 14-0 off of two touchdowns by Daniel Beeks and Bryce Bonewit. After that the Raiders continued dominating on both offense and defense controlling. In the third quarter Daniel Beeks scored again to give the Raiders a 21-0. To finish the game the Raiders scored two more times to win the game 33-7. The Raiders will take on South Adams at home for the sectional championship this Friday.

Stat Leaders
Daniel Beeks- 193 yards
Bryce Bonewit- 161 yards

Landon Cassiday- 20 tackles
Grant Harris- 8 tackles
Jacob Stout- 8 tackles
Cameron Cook- 8 tackles

Turnovers Caused:
Seth Trissel-2 fumbles recovered
Landon Cassiday- 1 interception

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall Recap!

As everyone was very excited about Fall Break,We thought here at S-Dub Hub it would be cool to see what people at Southern Wells did on their fall break.Braden Badders said that on his fall break, "I went to a party at my friend's house and I went shopping." Jami Ballenger," I went to a baby shower on fall break." Jessyca Baumgartner worked her whole fall break,making lots of money and Kari Rains went on a college visit to Manchester and took her ACT.

The Voice

This week was the knock out rounds of the voice there was many great performances but the expectations from previous seasons has left Voice fans at a dissapointment. The contestants this year are good but not great like we have seen in the previous years like Mathew Shuler, Will Champlin, or Tessanne Chin.
Check out more HERE!!!!!!

Fright of the Night!!!

When Halloween time comes around that is when everyone thinks about the scary movies. Everyone thinks scary movies are all about the scary background. Well not really it is about the rush you get when someone gets killed or running away from the killer. The scariest movies are always not that scary.

Students Favorite Scary Movies:
Scream: Annabel: Sarah Booher, Ethan Smith, Kristen Roupp
Scary movie:Jamie Howell 
Carrie: Markie Price Mckenna Elzroth
Conjuring: Haley Howell Matt Geisel 
Ouija: Danielle Kratzer
You're Next: Megan Horton 
Mama: Samantha Williams
Saw Series: Hunter Oswalt 
Oculus: Henry Sackett

Favorite Halloween Specials:

Blues Clue's Halloween Special- Boat and Braxton